A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, August 1, 2011

Women's Infidelity

Research and the Book
Michelle Langley

My Take

Research shows bias in Women-defenders.

We men have been and still are being discriminated by everyone from religious leaders to politicians; and, worse by the courts of divorce. Professional preachers, especially tell-evangelists, and the media, have been the enemies of the male gender, in top of what we suffer at home. Now, research by a women, brings more light to the nature of women.

Will the bigots repent? I doubt it. That is how they keep themselves from sleeping in the doghouse. By blaming other men for domestic violence, they show their oppressive wives that they are OK; such men have joined the feminist movement in male-bashing.

Bigots have always known the truth; but they did not have much evidence thrown at
them. Thus, biased people kept their crusade. If any man brought up evidence to show that women are culprits of domestic disharmony just like men and sometimes worse, those men who brought evidence, were chided and belittled even by other man; especially those in leadership positions, who benefit from numbers in population.

I had to prove my take on a journalism class in the University of Massachusetts in 1993. After being told that I “was going against the grain”. My bibliography was not enough. I was invited to bring in the research books and professional magazines. I did not see such requirements from other students’ research. I was the only-one who had to bring in the evidence—I am a man; and I was writing about equality on domestic violence.

In that research, I found that married, men have a greater chance of getting killed by their own wives, by 10%; I was threatened my “Ex-wife” while married. Also, I found that women start most of the violence at home. That complimented my own marriage that was in the midst of a divorce. The violent spouse got custody of the children, even after the judge knew that mom (My “EX”), had bitten our four year old daughter in the face.

The book in reference that lead me to write this piece, appears to be obscure to me. I did not yet read the book. I did not see any news about the topic; but the info in the add-info gives enough to know what is in the book. Granted, I sometimes go a few days without checking the news on the WEB; but, I normally surf the news.

However, I have about half dozed of main media publishers, sending me daily headlines. So, this info does not qualify for headlines. Well, it appears to be because the book exposes “women as being like or worse than men”. The major media appears to have disregarded the great book – it exposes feminism’s distortion. I bumped into the book Women's Infidelity by Michelle Langley, in a Google’s ad.

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