A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Turkey's Glass House


Turkey's hardline stance on Israel just tip of the iceberg

From: Mail & Guardian online

My Take

Is Turkey trying to change the world? If so, will Turkey face China too? If Israel should leave occupied territories righty theirs, by biblical history, then should China have to leave Tibet also? Turkey is indirectly rubbing Chinas nose against the sand. The law of association works naturally.

Off of all nations, Turkey is the one with the biggest glass house, so why throw stones at others.

On the end, Turkey is just returning to its primitive ways, unless Mr. Erdogan is functioning on a carnivore dinosaur instinct with a dinosaur size brain.
If Turkey is truly preoccupied with human rights and ethnic groups having their own voice, then Turkey must set dialog with the Kurdish people and return Kurdistan to the Kurds. Otherwise, Turkey is simple trying to return to its Ottoman Empire grandure.

Turkey must apologize and re-compensate the Armenians, for butchering a million Armenians. If Israel must compensate for defending itself legally according to the UN, then Turkey must compensate the Armenian people for its deliberate genocide by Turkey, the Armenians’ children are still waiting.

Turkey is the very example of the opposite of what they are claiming to fight for. In reality, since Saddam is gone, Turkey no longer needs Israel, nor the European Union, nor the USA. If a war will breakout between Iran and the EU or the USA, Iran will quickly return to its primitive instincts, and join Iran in fighting against the EU or against the US.

Turkey has reached the lowest respect, for it is being nothing more than Iran’s attack-dog.

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