A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Enough is Enough! Throw her the book, please; forget gender. --- in reference to LA Times
Mother accused of drowning children may be mentally ill, police say
February 15, 2012 | 4:44 pm

My Take

Simple go by crime similarities. What is good for one criminal is good for next criminal.

Anytime a father or any other man, commits a crime against the family, the media and the police search for the harshest words and demand punishment for such evilness. Men are never emotional disturbed, or suffer depression, or had nasty upbringings. The label is there mean, evil, nasty, tyrant, etc.

Anyone who commits a crime is not on its right mind, except professional criminals and people with deficiencies.

When a mother kills her children, or kills her husband, or is verbally or physically abusive to her husband or to her children, the police and media don’t get tired looking for excuses to show the woman as innocent. This is simple bigotry; it has become a pattern.

Those who protect criminals are criminals too, whether they are cops, prosecutors, judges, or common feminists, they are bigots, they have shown their biases. Anyone who reads the news will plainly see the same bigotry displayed by the media. Worse yet, religionists are no better.

Go to any church and men are being bashed in the name of God, and woman are always innocent or victims. Or, women are holly and incapable of committing anything wrong. Women have a reserved place in heaven. Some women even claim that women are smarter than men. Even in churches men are stigmatized as dumb, tyrants, lazy or worthless.

In other words, tyranny and feminism rule the so called free world. We demand equality and equal justice for all. Women have proven they are equal to men.

Therefore they must accept responsibility for their acts equally to men.

you can get the LA times at:

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