A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, February 25, 2012

ROMNEY Forcing Higher Retirement Age?


Mitt Romney has a lot of courage, but is it honesty? The government instituted Social Security not as a handout, but as garnished money from US workers. As it is, some organizations that were able to have private retirement, have done better than the government forced retirement. It shows that the government is a poor manager of its citizen’s money.

Now, comes Romney and wants to force a change on the contract for the worse. Romney’s enforcement will affect those who worked all their lives in the hope of being able to eat when they can’t find a job because of age. Romney now wants those people to suffer even more—that is breach of contract.

Many poor people have had layoffs as part of their lives, especially after shutdowns—some of us count up to 5 direct shutdowns. Those of us who have had to choose between being cold and putting food on the table, are the folks who will be forced to pay for Mr. Millionaire Romney’s election promises. Unless, he plans not following through with it.

Romney already forced the poor people in Massachusetts to choose between paying for forced health-care, or buying food for the table. Now, he wants to make the entire US population suffer even more; by increments, the sneaky way.

We normally can’t find people over 60 working in Mr. Millionaire Romney’s stores. Which means that Romney’s stores—SAPLES, don’t hire the people whom Mr. Romney wants to forbid in getting what the government had promised—retirement at 65.

Romney has not suggested cutting government salaries or adjusting it to national average. In some cases government employees are paid more than in the private sector. How about an across-the-board cut? It is taxpayers’ money, Mr. Romney.

Please Mr. Romney, try to see what it is like to be poor. Go to an unemployment line and borrow a man’s resume from anyone over 50, and use it yourself under the other guy’s conditions. Then, you can see what you are trying to do, to those who worked all their lives at a disadvantage. Perhaps, then, you can understand what it is to be poor, and then being robbed by the government too, as you are proposing.
In Reference to:
DAVID ESPO, AP article at --


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