A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Understanding The LDS faith could reduce the criticism

The criticism is not about faith, rather it about the critics trying to interfere in a particular religion.

Please, let us be reasonable, and let’s see how someone’s name may appear for baptism under the conditions accused by the critics.

First, the LDS church does not pick who will be baptized or who will not be. So stating that someone was baptized again by the LDS church is showing the lack of understanding that such critics have of the LDS Church. Yes, even most members do not know how to avoid duplicating work. They just have no idea that the work is being duplicated.

Also, if a person has a deceased relative for whom he or she wants to do vicarious work, that person is not going to see if the critics approve.

Again, baptism duplicity has occurred even when names are not in the critics watch list. There is a lot of work in clearing-up the mess too. So insinuating that the LDS Church is being less than honest, is a calculated insult. The church constantly advises people to recheck names and sources, to avoid duplicating work.

However, the people practicing their faith and trying to help deceased relatives are normally not professional genealogists. Thus they are not always able to clear every obstacle to see if someone’s vicarious work has already been done.

Names and places appear in history where the researcher sometimes may thing of being in one area, but actually being in another. Many people appear with the same names, and from areas with the geographic similarities. Also, a deceased person may have different relatives independently trying to do the same work for their ancestors. In most instances they don’t know each other. Thus, they end-up duplicating work. That is precisely the reason that the LDS church has spent lots of money trying to help people in avoiding duplications.

As far as mentioning that the vicarious work was done in a Temple in the Dominican Republic is insinuating that the church is trying to hide and continue to do something contrary to what they say. Well, the reality of such work is that in many cases, the people who submit their relatives’ names are unable to do such work, or they just submit their relatives’ names expecting volunteers to finish such work. That is why a name may appear in areas that may not be near their relatives, or not near where the name was submitted.

But, the bottom line is: Spirits are free to choose. There in no one there forcing spirits to accept or reject vicarious work. The issue appears to be that those who are anti-religion or anti-LDS, are trying to restrict the practice religious freedom.

Actually, if critics are so concerned about spirits or about dead people, could it be that such critics actually know that spirits do live waiting for the resurrection? It appears so. Otherwise the critics would let each person practice their religion as they choose. It is the critics who are trying to dictate what a dead person/spirit can or cannot have.

Reference to:

Mormon Baptism Targets Anne Frank – Again

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