A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, January 31, 2011

Is Egypt becoming second Iran?

Seed Newsvine

The Shah was a “dictator”, and the world allowed extremist Muslim religionists to take over. Now, the everyday news about Iran lets us know how it works. It ranges from attire police to enforce women dressing styles inside Iran-covering that skin, to puppet religious extremists in Lebanon and Gaza. Again the news shows us a scary picture, especially about gender inequalities.

Saddam Hussein was a dictator, so the Western powers killed him. Much blood was spilled from that war, and nobody knows when the blood will stop running in the streets. Christians became targets with the new government. Women have less privileges now, than they had when Saddam Hussein was dictating. Iran, now has influence in Iraq too.

Iraqis who escaped to the West tell us that even though Saddam had his secret police on the streets, everybody knew who they were, by clues. The average Iraqi knew where it was safe and where it was dangerous. Now, no one in Iraq knows who is who. Fear is to the point that people take false identities to hide their religion sect of Islam, or to hide other ethnical identifiers. Woman fear the extremists, and have less opportunity now than they had under Saddam’s regime.

Lebanon has become a Hezbollah state. Now, will Egypt have a democracy next? Or will the democratic movement in Egypt allow themselves to be taken over by religionist and become another Islam state? Turkey appears to be leaning towards Iran. Will Iran return to the old Great Persian Empire of 500 BC?

The old Persian empire included today’s Libya, Egypt, Greece, and Turkey, across a 2,500 mile stretch to include Pakistan, Afghanistan and part of India with Iraq, Lebanon, and Kuwait. Now with its home-made missiles and nukes almost on the go, that old Persian dream may not seem so farfetched. Than, the Islamic law and the Islamic nation could become a global power or the globe itself. After all, the Muslim family has multiple births, while the western family produces around 1.7 children and decreasing.

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