A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whose Fault? WikiLeaks, Manning, or the Recuiter?

Seed Newsvine

Toronto Sun
By Peter Worthington ,QMI Agency
Worthington: Wikileaks no threat
As 2011 draws to a close, the issue of WikiLeaks disclosures remains to be resolved — a breach of trust to some, the right to know to others.



If WikiLeaks becomes shut, then the world governments will feel free to oppress humanity. Regardless of price, appears that the US Justice Department wants to save face. Also,
if they can get Assange into the US, they can instill fear on anyone who dares to think about spilling a US secret, while at the same time encourage freedom of the internet for others. Up to an extant the government appears to be correct. But the abuse of classifying everything as secret, keeps the public in the dark.

Assange didnot take an oath not did he serve in the US armed forces. If the US will prosecute Assange, they will be able to psychological cause fear on any foreign for doing anything that
might be deeming bad for the US, regardless of intent. While it is good for the US, it is bad for
freedom of speech.

It is little by little that freedom becomes extinct. As it is, we can’t talk freely inside an airport; we can’t mention bombs or weapons, or hijacking. If the newspaper says that, we can only read it silently. How much more freedom will governments take form their citizens?

Instead of using Israelis’ methods of terrorism control, the TSA has an iron fist in the
land of free, causing people to have the dilemma of being physically handle by TSA
thugs, or being bombarded with x-rays. They get our naked description for the perverts to laugh at, as it has been done.

Compared with Israel, we are going backward on freedom. If extremists hate any country, they hate Israel much more than the USA. Yet Israel uses civilized methods of controlling terrorist without taking people’s rights away. So, why aren’t we being civilized? Because we have been voting for idiots instead of honest politicians—there must be some honest politicians who can be people friendly.

The US has the capability of doing better. Punish those who take oaths, those who did not do their job. But, to punish those who advocate freedom is destroying the core of freedom.

For Manning to bring abuses into light was heroic, for even under the Genevea convention those with knowledge are responsible to report; but disclosing things unrelated to abuse, was betrayal to the oath he took, and he was doing the opposite of what he was getting paid for; to do his job, he cheated by releasing info unrelated to abuse.

But since Manning did volunteer for the army, seems that the recruiter might have done
his quarters. Manning might have been a victim of recruiting, where the victim is only told enough to sign in the line and commit. It is not uncommon for people enlisting in the military, and then find that they got sucked into a vacuum.

Perhaps the military should show more to recruits, instead of using psychology to get people
committed into something they regret when they see reality. But, with a nasty economy, and hunger versus being a soldier, what is there to choose, but believing an hiring professional trained to manipulate those anxious for stability.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hillary Clinton deserves the Hypocrite of the year award.

Seed Newsvine

By Shane Richmond Internet Last updated: January 21st, 2010
The Telegrapah UK
Free the internet, says Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has called for greater freedom of speech online and said that internet companies, such as Google, should refuse to support "politically-motivated censorship".


The ink is not dry yet about the condemnation that Hillary Clinton and the US Government made about Julian Assange. So, how can Hillary claim the internet deserves more free speech, when she is behind the iron fist of the Justice Department to get Assange in the US by any means possible to silence him; because Assange believes on freedom of speech.

Some US legislators even called for Assange to be classified as terrorist, others called for his assassination—Where is freedom than?

Hillary, cannot have her cake and eat it too (sorry for the cliché-but so appropriate). Either Clinton is lying again, as Rush Limbaugh so much has stated—if I remember correct; or she defines her own truth, like Bill did in Monicas’ Fiasco.

However, there is a possibility that Hillary Clinton is being honest by demanding freedom on the internet, as long as such freedoms are against other governments only; thus excluding the USA. If she is being honest, than why hasn’t Hillary Clinton called for the US Justice Department to drop the investigation and possible charges against Assange and WikiLeaks, and Twitter subpoenas of accounts?

The Chinese, the Russians, North korea and the Iranians must be taking our Secretary of State as a clown in an decaying circus.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thanks to Forbes and Halah Touryalai

Seed Newsvine

My sincere thanks to Halah Touryalai and to Forbes Staff, for considering and understanding my feelings about Halah’s article on the crooks caught by SEC in a Ponzi scheme. They used the Mormon faithful as victims; thus, they were church members too. I am pleased that Halah understands that two people is different than a religion. My readership of Forbes and Halah’s articles continue; for, they do consider readers’ input. (This will be in my blog too.)

Anti-Mormon Insults, or Cheap Journalism.

Seed Newsvine

From Forbes
Father, Son Used Mormon Faith To Lure Investors In $220M Ponzi Scheme, SEC Says



It is a shame that the Forbes editors and Halah Touryalai as well as Google are showing their true colors in cheap writing by implying bigotry or anti-Mormon sentiment.

My E-mail headline notice is: “Mormons Duped Investors Out Of $220 Million In Ponzi Scheme, SEC Says.” My first reaction was: I never duped anyone, why am I being falsely accused? Thinking back about Madoffs’ (perhaps father and sons) news, never did I read anything like “Jew or Jews duped investor out of billions.” Because religion is a sensitive issue, and accusing all Jews of one person’s crime would definitely get lots of journalists and editors fired; and it would be rightly done.

However, the same justice was not done by Forbes, nor Halah Touryalai, even less by the Google editors who send E-mail notices.

Halah Touryalai’s headline: “Two members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are being charged by the SEC with securities fraud.” Halah is smarter the writing the same headline and replacing the words Mormons by Jews – in Madoff’s case. What the headline is showing is simply anti-Mormon feelings. In all the news, I never noticed the word synagogue or Jewish, associated with Madoff. Likewise, I expect the same professionalism when the issue involves my religion.

Crooks are everywhere, Jesus’ twelve apostles had one crook among them, and He knew it. Crooks have not respect for religion, political party or ethnic background; why than bring religion into the news when the problem was money. I would see it appropriate to even mention religion to show the extent of the fraudulent people; but including a blanket over a religion is unacceptable.

I, being a convert to the LDS church, thus nicknamed “Mormon”, demand an apology from each of the culprits in this insult. For, as stated above, I never duped anyone, nor do I deal dishonestly with anyone. Shame on Forbes, and on Halah, and on Google.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Iran's curse, disguised as a blessing

Seed Newsvine

Bloomburg Businesweek
Iran Shows Downed Spy Drone as U.S. Assesses Technology Loss


My take
Appears that Iran is doing pretty good on getting high technology; but these catches could cost them a bit more than they bargained for.

Lately a drone from Israel was missing or capture in Hezbollah territory, now the American cream from the pie drone RQ-170 appears to have fallen onto their hands. Well, now they can entice the Russians and the Chinese to protect them even more in the UN in exchange for a few pictures or dis-engineering the secret of secrets from US.

Well, if they have raw technology at the beginning of a war their chance to damage US interests or Israel is less than if the war will happen after they have the stealth knowledge.

So, seems like Iran might have won a battle, but such battle may lead them to lose the war by getting attacked sooner rather than late.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homosexuality and Choice

Seed Newsvine

U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say
GENEVA — The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that the United States would use all the tools of American diplomacy, including the potent enticement of foreign aid, to promote gay rights around the world.

My Take

If the USA and the world are following Hillary and Obama II, we are in for big trouble in everything. Either Obama II, and Hillary Clinton are lying or they need to look at research. Behavior is a choice not genetic according to Dr. Carolyn Anderson in April 7, 2010 titled Lowering Your Stress Could Help Control Your Genes
“Outdated Thoughts on Genetics”

“Although much more scientific work needs to be done it seems that lifestyle changes and decreasing levels of stress can favorably impact the expression of your genetic makeup.”

Just log into the following and find out for yourself.

homosexuality, genes

Monday, December 5, 2011

About Time

Seed Newsvine

U.N. Envoy: U.S. Isn't Protecting Occupy Protesters' Rights

MY Take

About time the international community is finally keeping an eye on the civil rights abuse by our own American police. It is a shame, and I sated so on both uffingtonpost.com and my own blog http://thelionscribe.blogspot.com USA - A House Divided Against Itself.

However, we are being seen by the big media as extremists. First because the big media is owned by the filthy rich. Second, because the OWS hits the core of the evil of capitalism. It exposes the crimes they have been making in the home foreclosures, to say the least.

If the protests were against Russia or Cuba, nothing would have been done other then perhaps some persuasion. Just like the capitalists brought down America by taking our jobs away overseas, now they are finishing the little bit of what was left the First Amendment.

They stated, and as I have stated before, were are deceiving the world when our cops are harassing and brutalizing our peaceful citizens.

Of course what is showing is that we Americans area a group of cowards when comparing to the Egyptians and the Libyans and the Syrians who were brutalized in the same manner and killed in their search for freedom.

Appears that soon or latter, we too will be killed by our own police if they fail in their use of their monetary chains in taming us, the American Joe and Sue. The guy from the WikiLeaks truck most likely had to pay a hefty sum, and the people who lost their property by either the police stealing it or destroying it, will never get reimbursed. I have been there with towed vehicles. It is like a MAFIA working hand and hand with the police departments.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seed Newsvine

CNN Money

By Walter Updegrave @CNNMoney December 2, 2011: 3:16 PM ET
Talk money with your spouse -- and keep the peace


My take

The problem is:
What are you going to do when your wife starts to shout each time you suggest a plan. As long as she has her way, there is peace at home.

Oh, and please, never go on her wallet; because, you may find her secret credit cards; that will just show you her deceitful-partnership is in the marriage. Also, don’t try to have a budget, because what you will propose, if it puts any restriction on her spending, your wife will accuse you of tyranny, even when your spending is controlled by her.

Common, when you ask for her to sit and make a plan, she simply says, “We don’t make enough to have budget.” This is Feminism at its best. If you go to court, she will accuse of bossing her and being a tyrant; simple because you wanted to have a say in the house. And in any American court a women’s lie against her husband is sacred.

Forget about church’s help, the religious crowd will chastise you for being a tyrant, because you dared to make suggestions that your wife objected. They will not say it in simple language, they will just say ‘You two need to communicate better”. They will give you examples of happiness in the family when a husband listens (submits) to the wife). They even will give you examples of how wrong they learned they were, when their wives told them so.

Bu they will never mention a wife’s fallacy, or if they do is about common irrelevant situations. Nor do they encourage the wife to also listen to the husband. They will just tell the husband to list more to the wife.

Bottom line, if your wife “Was born to shop”, it does not matter; you are doomed. Just roll with the punches, turn the blind eye, and just exist. Hint, don’t bother looking at other women, for at that point, they all look pretty; and you get tempted, and then your wife will finally have something truthful to accuse of you of; afterwards, you are a no-good creature.

Just pray and be happy, or at least try to pretend to be happy in front of your children. Other men normally will deny it, but a few will open-up and tell you how Hell feels like, after a men failed to have a plan in choosing a wife. Whatever you do, be aware, the children are simply victims, even when they see their father as an encumbrance on their mother. Maternal brainwash is the worst form or terrorism.