A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
ABC 7 news


Cop shuts down Girl Scout cookie stand in GA

My Comment


So, now the cops hate everyone. They even allow Girl Scout haters to become “police officers”. Some cops are trigger-happy, other cops are like highway robbers behind a gun and a police uniform. Now, harassing the Girl Scouts, that is really sickning.

Then the cops wander why the public has as much respect for the cops as respecting any other criminal. People have rights, selling something is not a crime, but the Gadaffi mentality of our cops and lawmakers make it in the USA worse than in third world countries.

In third world countries, the people are conditioned from birth to expect some level of oppression; they have never experience freedom. In America, we expect freedom; but we are being conditioned to accept oppression.

Peddler petty laws were made against street vendors who did not contribute to the politicians’ funds. Then it became another convenient way to control the poor. Where is liberty in the USA, when children need to have authority from the police and from the government to sell cookies once or twice a year? America use to be the land of liberty; now, it is the land of harassment.

Cops harassing motorists, can hide under the pretense of safety, and under the pretense of needing to make their monthly money hits imposed by their higher-ups. However, when cops harass children, they cannot hide from their oppressive-cop mentality. That is psychological child abuse. On the other hand, conditioning the population since childhood creates a sense of oppression being a natural way of life.

But why not, even the TSA gets away with sexual-child-abuse, the groupers. These citizen abuses by our American government, are being worse than the abuses by the “dictators” that our soldiers have died fighting in so many countries. It is oppression.

This soft-oppression is comparable to the Iranian and Taliban regimes that we oppose. The extremist Muslims oppress mostly women, in America, our authorities are oppressing everyone, including children.

The sacred words in that paper that we call our American Constitution guarantee liberty to the citizens. However, tyrants have made laws around our constitution.

We need LIBERTY as the founding fathers sacrificed for. Let’s vote for our peers, let’s vote for real people; rather than voting for upper class professional tyrants, and professional liars.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Women Becoming Milking Cows

Seed Newsvine
Reference to  NPR news

About human milk ice cream in London


My comment

Women Becoming Milking Cows

I had been wondering how long it would take for capitalism to turn women to cows, well It is here. According to NPR, now there is ice cream from “women’s milk.” Again, the poor are being exploited; I am sure that rich women would not sell their own milk for commercial purpose.

If the price is right, it will become like the poor people who have been trying to sell their own body parts, and their own blood. Women now can get fed to produce more milk, and then put on the pump every morning, noon, and evening just like cows and sheep on the barn.

Milk banks were created to help babies whose mothers could not provide milk. However, selling human milk commercially for ice cream is an inhumane decision. Seems that the vampire myths are materializing, where virgins were being kept to bleed for their mistresses to bade in the young virgin’s human blood, hoping on becoming young again.

We cannot blame alone the capitalist mentality of “anything for money”. We need to look also at the mentality of the women who are willing sell their own breasts’ milk. These women are setting a dangerous precedent. If the governments will not curb this neo-cannibalism process, it will not take long until women will be made slaves for their breasts’ milk. This has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with class status. The poor are loosing again; for, $22 dollars for an ice cream is something that only the rich can enjoy in London, where it is being commercialized now.

Worse yet, if women are selling their milk for commercial consumption, it will not take long until these same women will try to sell their own human milk direct to the consumer who would like a few direct milk sips from the breast. Mole likely they will prove that milk direct form the breast will be more nutritious. If the price is right, it will turn into the fad of exotic experiments.

Can you see in ten years ahead women showing off on women-milk-bars cashing in allowing the clients to suck their own milk for a few extra dollars. Far- fetched? Yes for now, but like other pervert habits, everything starts as a novelty. Then of course, the disease and drugs transmitted will cause a slowdown, but the fad most like will stay on the speakeasy fashion. These women selling their breasts’ milk, as well as the ice cream vendors, and the sick ice crème buyers should be ashamed of them selves.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Legislators Managing the Classroom

Seed Newsvine

Legislators Managing the Classroom

Governors are wrong by trying to manage the classroom. The class room is a unique job atmosphere where each teacher must pilot on very carefully. The legislators trying to increase class size by firing teachers will affect test scores, it is absurd. They are treating education from the sweatshop whipping strategy. Thus they are lowering the possibility of the US staying par with other industrialized nations’ education.

Our education is slipping even as is; now, the republicans want to guaranty the USA to be a third world country in a low education quality. Without proper education, crime will increase. So, the money saved now will not be enough for needed increased police force and more prisons built in a decade or two ahead.

According to major news reports, in the past decade 50% of high school students dropped out. Worse yet, only one in five of high school graduates are classified proficient. Of course much of this is because of low self-esteem created to bring boys in par with girls. Nevertheless, as a whole, only ten (10%) of high students who enter high school accomplish what they go there for—being educated enough to go on in life. If the Republicans go on making classrooms bigger, they will be contributing to the American education decay.

Teachers have to focus on each student as well as on the overall class planning. When a governor reduces teachers, the governor is punishing both the students and the teachers by forcing class size increases. Class size determines the level of education the students get. Also, class size determines how much work the teacher has to do at home, not counting extracurricular activities, and other imposed duties. Many devoted teachers get burned out, especially on the first few years of their teaching career.

It is expected for successful teachers to work 60 hours per week average to maintain their classes at an efficient learning level, by class-preps and homework checking. In contrast, other sate workers only work 40 hours. Forty-hours is the national working week. When comparing per hourly pay and level of education investment, the teachers are already underpaid by nearly 25%.

To check the Republic Governors’ and legislators’ sincerity on educational cuts and punishment for both the students and teachers, we need to ask each legislator where they send their own children to school. Are these Governors’ and legislators’ children or grandchildren affected by their own anti-education moves? Most likely not.

They normally don’t live where the bulk of the population lives with crowded schools. Lawmakers are not affected by what happens on the public school system, where class size is normally 25 to 30. Even if they are affected, the consequences are minor. Obama’s own children attend a private school—too good for public education.

Therefore, it appears that the republican legislators are still in the 1806 education mentality mode, when Patrick Colquhoun stated “It is not, however, proposed by this institution, that the children of the poor should be educated in a manner to elevate their minds above the rank they are destined to full in society. …”.

We are paying the lawmakers to serve us, but they appear to be serving themselves like in Libya. We can only achieve equality when we will vote for our peers, or when we get a direct say on the laws being passed.

We can do it, it takes on only to press a button. When our country was formed, representation was the best method of government, at that time; now we can have direct participation. No lobbying, no two levels of citizenship, no bribes, only honest laws. That is what we need. Meanwhile, we must vote for our peers, those that live like we live.

DFF Leonardo, thelionscribe.blogspot.com

Personifying the Universe.

Reference to:

Associated Content from Yahoo


Earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand and the 2012 Paradigm Shift

New Zealand Earthquake Illustrates How the 2012 Paradigm Shift Will Occur

Sunistra Friendel,

Feb 23, 2011


My Comment

It is amazing how some people try to discredit God’s work by crediting the universe and other euphemisms in reference to God. The Irony is well seen in the article in reference. The same writer uses biblical parallels accrediting other sources; some of which are fiction. The movie “2012” is treated as prophecy.

Had such writers red and understood the bible, they would not try to duplicate the outdated romanticism movement. The statement “… first step of the Universe’s punishment”, is a fantastic statement, it personifies the universe. It is like saying that a rock or a tree has the intelligence or capability to act on its own.

Whether the writer is aware or not, such believing is the fundamental cornerstone of the pagan religion. Now, if we are talking about man-made religion, as Friendel does criticize, than Paganism is an excellent example, where people have faith in rocks and in the creation of their own hands and symbolism, yet Friendel is paralleling with Paganism. “Sunistra Friendel” should take a side rather than argue on both sides of the issue.

As far as in the future, people being connected to God, which Friendel euphemises as “the universe”, that is nothing new. Many people through high-self-discipline have connected with God since the Garden of Eden; we see it the prophets of the bible.

Friendel does not understand that material things mean nothing to God unless they are from God. For, even though the temple at Jerusalem was the house of God and the most sacred thing on earth, Jesus prophesized of the temple’s destruction. It had been defiled, because the covenant had been broken. In Mathew 24: 1-2 Jesus speaks about the temple’s destruction, saying that not even one stone would remaining on top of the other.

If Friendel had any knowledge and understanding about God’s dealings, the article would never be written. Therefore earthquakes and other natural destruction is part of Gods plan. The bible prophesizes of even worse things to come on the last days. A man made name or structure has it end as God has planned.

Nevertheless, Friendel has something in perspective about man-made religion. It is obvious that many religions are men made, they revolve on professional preachers; there is conflict of interest there. However, there are over 5,000 religions, with Christianism alone having near 1,300 sects or denominations. Among all these religions, could one be true?

To answer that, one has to know a little bit about the bible and about God’s plan. From the Bible we know that God does have an adversary whom we know as the Devil. Jesus spoke about the Devil, therefore we know that there are two forces. If we compare the Devil with any war adversary, and if we remember that any war is won based on psychology, than we could expect the Devil trying confusing us.

It is like having decoys to confuse the opponent, that is common practices even in today’s missile systems. Therefore, it can be difficult for one to find the true church among over 5.000 religions. But Friendel cannot say that all churches are man-made. By the way, the creditable major news-sources, put the quake at 6.3, not 7.3 as Friendel stated.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are Unions Wrong?

Seed Newsvine

Unions are wrong, the Governor is wrong; both clinging to the fierce extremism song.
At times employers were greed wrong, but, then came the unions with Marx’s song.

They were each as a clever team, and both exploited people to the most extreme.
At first the people worked for the employers almost as slaves, or so it did seem.

Union dues became the law, even against what the employee unfairness saw.
Even allowing abuse, the government did cut the nasty communism’s claw.

Union bosses lived like the CEOs, with salaries proving money flows.
Their crimes and secret dealings turned into many workers’ woes.

Now, communism is almost gone, unions only benefit some.
No servant has the wright to his or her master overcome.

Unions too, stepped out of line, now reaping the brine.
Government leaders need now their salary to define.

How else can they justify, when taxpayers do cry.
But government leaders’ salaries are to the sky.

The time for equality has arrived in equity.
Let the teachers be, with all equality.

Now, the governor, and legislator.
Must, put their salaries not over.

It must be as average wage is.
For, we are equal in all this.

Therefore, abolish Union.
We must be an onion,

In even layers thick,
Justice can stick.

Then a smile,
In a while.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let Freedom Roll On

Seed Newsvine

As it so appears, people are tired of oppression all these long years.
Egypt, the cradle of civilization, is leading freedom in its intention.
This is a modern American thought, from Greece and Elba brought.

Tunisia was the seed that helped everyone to sacrifice indeed.
While China and Bahrain try to suppress freedom in disdain.
Morocco and Yemen linger, with the government pressing its finger.

While in Iraq it is routine, in Libya it turned into a murdering scene.
But a sample is under way; it has started in Madison, in the great USA.
Americans are tired too, because of TSA’s sexual abuse, as they do.

Let’s hope the teachers’ demands will not spread to every end.
With over six billion people oppressed, this is a crime to be addressed.
At the bottom of all this, problems of money become the hiss.

Those in power want it all, leaving the poor, the hungry, and the homeless to fall.
The trick is very easy to accomplish, giving the poor a little more, for their anguish.
Then, the fools think they are OK, they don’t see more hidden taxes on their way.

Freedom is every person’s due right, but governments won’t allow it without a fight.
Therefore let freedom roll and roll, until every human government does scroll.
Freedom is actually contagious, whether political or religious.

Let’s hope that every person will vote, and decide on the law.
Because representation is just a big flaw.
Corruption becomes the straw.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Not a human kingdom
For each, everyone!
For all, or none
Not for some.
Let it come
Be it done
Be one
Go on

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Four Year Boy’s Experience Will Affect the World.

Seed Newsvine


Natalie Tysdal Reporter

My Comment

A four year boy’s experience will affect the world. It will cause some people to question their religions’ teachings. Also, it will throw a monkey-wrench into some political viewpoints. Finally, this child’s words will touch many people’s lives, directly or indirectly.

The Jewish and Muslim believe that Jesus was merely a great prophet is debunked; and the Biblical teaching that Jesus is the Christ—The Son of God, is evident. Also, this non-Mormon Boy’s near-dead experience reinforces some LDS Church’s teachings.

Probably, this experience will even help some agnostics and some atheists who are honest in their quest. They can reset their bearings in their perspective about God, and the bible. People who follow the paranormal side of life, including those with books, and talk-show hosts now have something to reckon with. For, routinely the paranormalists try to dismiss the Bible and Jesus and God.

Many adults have had extraordinary spiritual experiences; but a child’s near-death experience is something to be taken more seriously. Colton’s reunion with his little sister whom he knew not of until he was unconscious in the operating table, testifies LDS’ teaching about little children not needing baptism.

Colton Burpo’s little sister now spirit, died within her mom’s womb, never got baptized; yet she is not in a dark place, as it is being taught by some churches which baptize infants.

The then little child’s experience is proving that Joseph Smith’s revelation about the topic of baptism is correct—like Joseph Smith’s other revelations.

This non-Mormon boy’s experience, also testifies of other teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, especially on the topic “Families can be eternal”. Colton in spirit, also met his great-grandfather; more proof of family bonds after the passage into spirit. Such eternal family bond is an essential area of focus within the LDS Church.

An absolute testimony of prayer is also confirmed by Colton. For, while his parents were praying for him, as devoted people do—especially in moments of crises, Colton saw angles singing to him while he was being operated on. Jesus did command his followers to pray.

Colton’s parents were blessed by being obedient to the commandment of prayer. Their son lived after having an erupted appendix, even after about five days of it being erupted.

The people, who had doubts about when live starts, now can cross reference Colton’s spiritual experience with the bible. Now, they can know that life does start inside the womb.

Therefore, Colton is proving that abortion is actually murder; unless of course, mom’s physical life is in danger—a very sensitive issue. Thus, the people in the billion-dollar abortion-industry (US alone), may sense a feeling of financial discomfort by Colton’s experience.

On the political side, those politicians who claim to be religious, now have no excuse about doubts when life starts. Nevertheless, because politicians’ conscious has the tendency to tilt towards money, Colton’s testimony will probably have little effect on politics.

Since Colton did see Jesus, and God did talk to him, it proves the bible to be a record about God’s dealing with men. Therefore, it will also affect those in the homosexual community who are wandering if the bible is real or not.

Even though, the word homosexual was not yet formed at the time of the bible, the bible’s evidence about sex is clear. Sex according to the bible, is to be strictly between a man and a woman. On the other hand, repentance is for each person who chooses it.

The book—and probably the film too, about Colton Burpo’s spiritual experience as the article mentioned, may cause many people to think and change their lives. Perhaps, the change will not be noticeable in an over-six billion population.

Regardless of numbers, some people will become better people because of Colton’s experience, as it happened with the book and then the movie “The Cross and the Switchblade”, as well as the movie “The Passion of The Christ”.

The timing of Colton’s experience will also have people start to consider the present abnormal weather behavior and the North Pole’s rapid shifting, as probably something that is part of a greater plan. Perhaps we all will change for the better because of that little boy’s near-death experience.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Japan a pirate nation?

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
ABC news


Abducted to Japan: Hundreds of American Children Taken
Japanese Mother Tells ABC News How Easy It Was to Flee With Her American Son

TOKYO, Feb. 16, 2011

My Comment

The evidence seems to prove Japan to be like Somalia. I have met many fine Japanese of high integrity, but as a nation, Japan has turned like Somalia. The Somali pirates hijack ships for ransom; the Japanese pirate-mothers married to Americans kidnap their own children to Japan, and than extort money from the fathers to just see their own children.

The Somali government turns a blind eye to the pirates, and the Japanese government does like the Somalis, tries to live by ignoring international law. Somali is a safe haven for pirates, and “Once in Japan, the parent who abducted the child is protected by their government's unwillingness to sign the Hague Convention, a treaty that provides for the return of abducted children to the other parent.”

The Somalis claim to be unable to catch the pirates because they have a dysfunction government, the Japanese don’t catch the pirate-moms because “Japanese Police Refused to Look for Woman on FBI Most Wanted List for Parental Kidnapping.”

The Japanese government is being ungrateful to the American serviceman. Our soldiers are protecting their skin, and then they stab us in the back. Perhaps we Americans should let the Chinese and North Korea take revenge on Japan for the barbarous treatment they caused to the Chinese and Koreans among others. Japanese cruelty surpassed the Nazis by far. It made Hitler appear like and amateur.

The Japanese Government is proven to continue with their ancient ego problem of superiority and disrespect for others, neither does Japan respect the law, nor children. The scars on these children are for life.

Please, don’t buy Japanese products, nor do any business with the Japanese, until Japan becomes civilized and respects the law and honors children.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nasty Weather Change—Natural, NASSA Shows.

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:

Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms


My comment

Shame on Mr. Aym for coming up with such data about the earth’s weather changes. He should be sued. The scientists probably will loose their grants, the green movement will loose their carbon capitalist money, writers and editors are demonstrated to be artificially inducing the “man-made weather variations mantra.” This is serious business, all debunked by Mr. Aym’s research.

Archeology has proved natural green and dry changing cycles on Sahara and other continents. Ice ages and magnetic pole changes is part of nature.

Now, is All Gore gong to give back his money from the Nobel Peace prize?

If we are on the verge of a possible ice-age, are the Greens going to force everyone to drive gas gas-guzzlers? The greens will want to stay on power and control everyone, how are thy going to do that now? Lots of people will loose their jobs.

I would not be surprised if Mr. Aym will be silenced. But than, how about NASSA and NOOA?

Well, those of us that have quoted science to show that the Earth is a living thing that keeps on changing, have been criticized and mocked. Where is the joke now?

Seems like reality rest on the bible. So, who is proving what? Are the scientist proven that the bible is correct, or is the bible proving that the scientist are on track?

It would not be a surprise if the Greens will try to sue the oil companies by accusing them causing the “Now the magnetic pole is shifting East at a rate of 40 miles annually, an increase of 800 percent. And it continues to accelerate.

Thank you Mister Aym.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Madoff had help, according to the lawsuits.

Seed Newsvine

Reference : Forbes
Halah Touryalai

Why Madoff Wasn’t Caught
My comment

This is a good example of a system that runs on classism. If an employee would try to approach authorities, that employee would be digging his own career grave—the term is disgruntled employee. The guy complained to someone/the corporation who probably would loose plenty about the truth. He barked at the wrong tree.

He wrote about it. So what? Where were the government’s dogs hunting, definitely not where the catch was. Appears that if the regulatory commission was serious about trying to catch fraud, they would have something like a secret concern drop box, where people could drop hints.

Even though such drop boxes normally only have about five or so percent reality, it would be in the public’s interest for the government have a drop box or web site, to get some hints from those who know. After all, this country runs on money, and Ponzi Schemes pop up on a regular basis.

Cops can’t take their own medicine.

Seed Newsvine

Reference to:
The Baltimore Sun

Crime Scenes: No break for cops caught on camera
Court says officers are liable for speeding even on duty

My comment

Hypocrisy has been their fad “protect the public, and safety first.” Their “safety first, and protect lives” mantra is showing by E-Police, cops own abuse is showing the same reality that the cops should consider about citizens. Proof, cops are humans and they should enforce the law for the reason why the law was created, rather than to fill quotas—as the general trend goes. While some cops are honest many cops are not more than tyrants with a gun behind a badge.

Cops’ lam excuse about catching a drug seller, is not an excuse. Cops like the drug dealers. Drugs are what keeps the cops with hefty salaries, well above the average citizen. The same problem was with alcoholic beverages, almost a century ago. Congress finally cured the crime in the street. It is called legalize and control.

The problem is that if a great part of cops live off drug traffic, by chasing illegal drug sellers. Police-unions would loose a lot too, and many cops would have to work for a living. That would leave us with the Police Officers to protect the public. So the E-police is actually reducing accidents among the police-enforcers. Let’s keep it up, “Safety First.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Am Not

Seed Newsvine

I am not a Chausist,
Nor am I an anarchist
Neither am I communist,

I am not distraught
A capitalist I am not,
Neither am I an imperialist thought ,

I am not a socialist,
Nor am I a feminist,
Neither am I a tyrannist

Ransomed by the queen.
Chauser’s ransom did lean.
The rest of his life to glean.

I am not a racist,
Nor am I an egotist,
Neither am I a ventriloquist

A socialist I am not.
Nor am I apologist wrought,
Neither am I throwing my lot.

I am not a populist,
Nor am I a narcissist.
Neither am I a soliloquist.

As evidence proves,
I am not in their grooves.
Therefore, I am not a terrorist.

By DFF Leonardo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Men-Bias victims Combating Prejudice

Seed Newsvine

Prejudice is the basic weapon of racism, classism, and ideology. Just about everyone is a victim of some form of prejudice. Prejudice exists because the victims normally are those who are at some form of disadvantage, therefore allowing the disease to continue.

The reason why the epidemic of prejudice exists, is because the victim normally only sees what he or she can loose if he or she fights the abusers—normally coworkers or colleagues. Abuse by prejudice is many times part of a plan to exclude others. However, sometimes bias is done a form of teasing. Sometimes the exclusion has noting to do with hate; rather, it is use as a tool to keep convenience within a certain group.

We can see it in academic and IQ testing. Mostly, the reason for testing is to exclude, based on the overflow of candidates. However, those who know about such tests, can get special courses and preparation to pass such tests—the poor are excluded unless a scholarship is available. And then comes the culture differences that puts many at a disadvantage.

In some areas of testing, the test is based on cultural knowledge; thus, excluding people of “other ethnicities,” such as Afro-Americans and Latinos. However other forms of prejudice are closer to each one of us. The wave most obvious is the gender bias. In half a century, the pendulum has swung from women being the victims, to women being the oppressors; with the feminist movement being the culprit.

It is wise to be aware of feminists. Though feminism was architected to empower suffering women, the feminists’ goal is to neutralizing men. Ironically, a great number of feminists are men—those kind of humans who go to extremes to be with the wining crowd, despite what the standards are. Just like Nazism, and racism, feminism has no borders, only one goal-supremacy.

The pushers of gender bias or feminism, are the big business, who appeal to the majority. Woman, normally have not been decimated in the battlefield or on doing dangerous work trying to provide for the family. So, business cater to women on the most pleasing way, pretend to have pity on women; actually, it is the money that counts.

Until the 1960s, women were portrayed by Hollywood as the insignificant beings, and that was wrong. The feminist movement, like the Mafia and the KKK started as a good cause to protect women. But, like the Mafia and the KKK, the feminist movement also has become and extremist group.

Like the Mafia and the KKK, feminism has infiltrating all possible segments of society and government at the international level. In our own government, the clear point is in the judicial area of divorce and child custody. The woman normally gets the children, regardless if the mom is the abuser or not.

Of course, in court all comes with justification; just like in the old Soviet Union there was a reason for prosecution. Sometimes, even when the accused man is innocent, and the man has proved no being the father, the court forced the man to pay hefty chills support for somebody else’s child. American justice—under feminist control.

Worse yet is that such court decisions could have long term implications because the American court system is based on precedents. They judge a case based on similar cases.
So, could the feminism wave be a way to implant socialism in the USA? I would not be surprised if some lawyer would not use the same cases about child support A parallel could me made by claiming that if someone poor was robed near a rich person, than the rich person should make restitution while being innocent of theft. That is the same rationale.

The good side of the problem is that in the United States of America, we can still vote, and we can normally talk about oppression. Therefore, men and man, talk about it. Open your eyes observe who is being prejudice; and then, express your concern. Ironically, expressing opposition even under difficult conditions is part of feminist teaching.

Look at the advertisement in newspapers, and in magazines, and in TV, and in other visual or audio media and films. Use the simple rule: would they display or say the same about both men and women? If they would not display or say the same about a women, than your perception of bias is correct. Avoid buying products advertised with anti-men bias. Avoid patronizing their brand names and their affiliates.

Who are feminists? Just look around yourself. A feminist can be anyone regardless of gender; your lawyer, you political representative, your university professor, the people advertising to you, your talk-show host, your favorite writer or editor, your preacher, or even your doctor, or your neighborhood police officer.

A few years ago, upon visiting the local police station in my former town of 6,000, I noticed on the poster board a pamphlet from Motorola. That poster was full of compassion on women, how women should be helped. My blood boiled, for men were implied as being the aggressors. Since I (a male) was a victim of physical and verbal domestic abuse, I confronted the police dispatcher about such bigotry and anti –family bias.

Two weeks latter, I revisited the station. Even though, I never caught the culprit leaving messages on my phone answering machine, I did notice that the anti-family poster from Motorola had been removed. I took heed to tell all I could about such poster and its sponsor. I still don’t buy Motorola products under any circumstance.

Open your mouths, men open your mouths, you will notice that you have lots of company. There are men giving up on life because they think that their problem is unique. Be honest and be polite, be educated, read as much as you can; and read between the lines—see what is omitted and or what is implied.

Writing is an art, and writers especially career writers, know how to manipulate the readers’ minds, even when the message is negative. Remember the feminist philosophy “It is in word-playing.” You need to know your adversary, to survive.

Write to your government officials. Nicely and briefly tell them how you feel. Remember, took the Afro-Americans one century after the Civil-War and their freedom being grated to them in paper, before Black and Whites got parity. Finally, we do have a voted US President with some Afro-American ethnicity blood and physical features; nobody thought it possible a few decades ago. Oppose anti-male prejudice for your children; otherwise, your children will be more victimized than we men are now in 2011.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pro-life and Pro-abortion Extremism.

Seed Newsvine

RH Reality Check / By Amanda Marcotte

January 31, 2011

GOP's Newest Anti-Choice Plans Would Deny Rape Victims Abortions
If you're forcibly impregnated along with being raped, then you have to get medical care. A new bill pushed by Republicans would deprive many rape victims of access to abortion.

My comment

The problem is that both the anti-abortion and the pro-abortion groups go to the extreme without considering reality. Perhaps the article by Amanda Marcotte would never be written, if both the pro-life and the pro-death groups would be fair.

The lifers appear to spread a blanket that could be more considerate of real victims of rape. On the opposite side the abortionists go to the extreme of calling rape to consensual sex using semantics to justify their goal. The fact is that a great majority of teen abortions are because of teen play.

Cases involving adults and under age sex is a minute number. Yet, Amanda uses the emotion trick by putting it as if the adult and minor sex/rape is the core of the abortion issue.

The abortion issue is making readers sick of the word. The anti-life groups never mention that the public school system is being worked by groups like Planned–Parenthood behind public view to provide abortion to minors without the parents consent or knowledge.

Therefore the pro-abortion groups are destroying the life and mind of the young girls who get advice only from only the liberal prospective. By so doing, the anti-life groups are teaching our young girls that dishonesty and being sneaky and doing things around authority—the parents in this case, is Ok. Thus the abortionists are in fact destroying the family, and they are destroying our society by teaching the youth to disrespect authority—the parents in this case.

If the concept of being sneaky is implanted as a way of life, will these people have respect for our government? Not at all, especially when the government is sponsoring such programs in a hushed manner, as it is now.

The issue of learned concepts is so critical to our society that scholars are divided on the issue, as it is seen in the concept of Free-Writing.

Freedom of abortion or freedom of not paying for someone else’s abortion via the tax system is valid from both sides. However, the concept based on reality and honesty from both groups should be negotiated in a civilized manner rater than by the emotion card.