A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What’s the big deal? How to Fix Greece

Barron's Cover
| SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2011
How to Fix Greece
It's time for the devastated nation to face reality. The only way out is to restructure now, with bondholders taking a 50% hit.

My Take

What’s the big deal? The greedy were not crying and whining when they reaped filthy profits. Every time the gambler starts a new dealing he/she knows that there are some loosing probabilities; but they know what is in their sleeves—that extra small writing with specific rules favoring the dealer. As every bank has them—like the MAFIA, but legally.

However since the deck is tilted in bankers’ favor, who cares if they loos one hand? this is just one lost hand; they can count plenty of winning hands. Sucker gamblers—the addicted and those who gamble just as a habit like the Greeks, the Portuguese and the Irish will come back for more. Even if the bondholders get a big loss this time, overall they are still winning.

They will make up for it in the future as their deck and their dealing keeps on providing them with more wealth, which appears as luck; but, in reality it is proven as cleverness.

If we look at bankers it the United States, we see that their problems just helped them in becoming stronger. Bankers who lost, lost only paper money. It was just part of their gabling booty.

It is just like sitting on the evening with $50 bucks when sitting for the first deal, and then by midnight having a few thousand dollars in winnings; and then, by morning losing most of that money that was won; and only having a few hundred dollars left.

That gambler did not loose anything. If fact that gambler is still winning a few hundred dollars, for she/he only started with fifty; but, now she/he still has his original $50 dollars plus a few hundred more. His/her loosing was only from the booty, not actual loosing from the start.

On the following night them pros, as the bankers and financiers are, who live off the addicted players, will get plenty of profits to offset what they lost on the previous night.

However, during such wining streaks, the capitalists call it prosperity. Even the addicted gambler calls it progress, because she/he did not lose his/her soul to the devil at this time, they just kept working to pay that interest. Such interest they could have kept, if they would live within their means; thus, without borrowing. But, even though loosing, the addicted gamblers find comfort by being in the company of those whom they see as better and richer than they are.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Obama II is anti Israel

accessory to Israel's destruction.

Obama II is anti Israel

Pre 67 borders?
If Israel is so bad try Hamas and the Taliban.
Yes, Obama II, is out of touch. Seems that Obama IIs, upbringing as a Muslim is more active than being the President of the US, and standing by the Jews. Let’s never forget that Hamas's goal is to destroy Israel, and Barack Hussein Obama II is being an accessory to Israel's destruction.

Yes, Israel should compensate those refugees who use to live in Israel and lost property. In return the Refugees should take the money and make peace with Israel. the land of Cannan was given to Israel by God. It is the only place where the Jews are in control od themselves; while the Palestinians are about two thirds of Jordan, and control Lebanon.

So where is reality? in Obama IIs agenda. Seems that Obama is giving the Hamas so much power that when the Palestinians and the Arabs/Syria, Egypt etc will push Israel to a corner like in 1973, Armageddon will become reality. The whole world will pay for Obama IIs miserable mistakes. Nukes know no borders. If Israel goes, they will take allot of their enemies with them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hypnosis' Re-Incarantion; the Biggest Hoax of All Times.

Reference to:

Reincarnation: Believing in second chances


My Viewpoint

The greatest hoax of all times has reincarnated in the academia, by chance or by capitalism, re-incarnation has come full fledge as the open hoax for the gullible to appear sophisticated under the protection of hypnosis.

First, let me say confidently that re-incarnation is a copout to criminals or sin lovers or anti –Christians who want to justify their deeds. The first clue to re-incarnation conflict appears when the spiritualist religion acknowledges hypnosis and forbids licensing as Spiritualists anyone who practices hypnosis. Even though both philosophies cross each other’s path, their cause is in opposite polarity.

The spiritualists who deal strictly with spirit from the non-Christian perspective, and are closer to pagan ideology. Normally they believe in re-incarnation, but state that they cannot prove it. The spiritualists perspective is based on Romanticism where each person is “In tune with everything, and therefore is part of the infinite”. They avoid the word God.

In spiritualism, good or bad doesn’t exist, rather only knowledge and ignorance exists while each individual controls his or her outcome. Their motivation is believing in being better than they have been. Normally Spiritualists praise that which is good and avoid evilness. It is similar to the philosophy of the gentry, polite under all circumstances.

On the opposite, the hypnotists’ philosophy is based on money, and hypnotists normally know nothing about spirits. Rather, they deal with the individual; but they treat regression based on oriental philosophy-or religion. Hypnotists include regression on in their training-optional for a fee. But, each hypnotist needs more training-hours to maintain their certification.

The point where hypnotists and spiritualist cross paths is when the hypnotist performs regression. As hypnosis deals with the subconscious, at times with deep hypnosis, the line can be crossed, where the subject goes into a limited trance. At this point the person hypnotized is not conscious of himself or herself.

Instead, the hypnotized person is on a state of perhaps semi-coma (a good area for research). In such deep hypnosis in regression the subject speaks almost as mumbling-different from regular hypnosis. In deep hypnosis, it is almost the same as being a medium—or person possessed by a spirit where the words are normally not in detailed intonation.

When a person is at this stage, of mediumship whether it is called regressional-hypnosis of a trance the results are the same. The person is open to spirits using that body to talk—a golden opportunity for a spirit. Many sprits are not even aware that they no longer have a body. Some spirits even deny being dead.

When such spirits talk inside other people they have the same personality that they had when they were mortals. Liars lie, show-offs do their thing, criers, cry and the list goes on.

Appears however, that the spirits have to be obedient to humans. Normally, spirits don’t identify themselves, others are still in shock without knowing where they are. Some ask for food, others ask drink, others even cigarettes or alcohol. There was an article about ten years ago (I think it was in Reader Digest), where a woman who never drank got all kinds of cravings for beer and motorcycles, after she received a transplant. After research, she found that she had received an organ from an alcoholic biker.

Because Hypnotists don’t admit or know anything in general about spirits, all that comes from the hypnotized person is taken a fact. Thus a spirit who lived, hundreds of years ago will tell you about that language or place and time in history.

However the hypnotized person gets the credit as if he or she was the same being. People whose lives have in talking to spirits, know how to ask questions. But who knows who is talking, there is not identity to prove how is how.

So regression is better explained as real for the person who regressed in knowledge, for after giving the hypnotist that good cash, the subject knows less about him or herself. Less than he or she thinks, because after regression he/she thinks to have been a bagger or a king hundreds of year ago.

Nevertheless, the human brain does contain a memory bank that can be accessed by hypnosis, trauma, or psychoanalysis. But, then the question gets bigger. For if we, existed before our bodies, as evidence shows in the bible; than, we also may remember where we were in spirit before we were born. So, the philosophy of re-incarnation is exposed as flawed.

My bases for my viewpoint is from my research into religion; for seven years visiting different religions, including paganism, and spiritualism. I was raised where spirits talked in people as routine--not pretty. Also, I practiced hypnotherapy for two years as a certified hypnotist—no regressions. My contact can be at one word “the lion scribe” at g mail.

Friday, May 13, 2011

About Anti-Communism

Response to a comment on FaceBook

Are you talking about communist? The problem with the so called communism is that it is dominated by atheist, and fascists, just like capitalism is. The problem is not the labeled party, rather the problem is the tyranny behind it classist rulers.

Remember that it was capitalism that made a run on American jobs.
It was the boys and girls behind the mahogany desks making millions of dollars, who took the jobs away from the American people. So they could make more millions at the expense of the lower class. Speaking for myself, I was the victim of five shut-downs plus downsizings due to jobs moving overseas.

On my last shut-down, there was a guy who had moved his family across country three times in the hope to secure a job. Hurray for capitalism—hahahahah…

Che Guevara was and is the hero of the Latinos. He was not a lower class ignorant like many of us, he was a doctor fighting against capitalism. So was Ho Chi-Men.
See, there are two great evils. One such evil is called Stalinism or Marxism, which is an excuse for oppression as it was in the Soviet Union.

Remember that Europe and the US supported dictators and oppressors using the same tactics as the Soviets did. The only difference is that the tyrants on the west supported capitalism.

As an example: Brazil’s oppression was not different from Cuba. But in the west we only heard about the oppression about in Cuba and in the Eastern-Block nations. Portugal’s tyranny was not different from any Eastern-Block nation. Yet we only heard on western journalism, how bad it was on the Soviet ideology, and the long lines at stores and banks.

That is only because it was convenient for our media to paint our tyrants as better than their tyrants. We all saw in the news about the long lines at the stores in the Soviet Union. The same news media could also say that it was like in Brazil where going to the bank is still an adventure.

First you wait in line for an hour or better to make an appointment to cash a check; and then, you wait another hour in line while—if you lucky, be moving from seat to seat until your number is called about an hour later. Should we say that the other evil is Sovietized Capitalism?

Waiting on lines; some people in Brazil know that they will be at least two hours in the bank to do their business. But it was never heard of the American media to talk about such lines; but we do hear about such lines about communist countries.

Communism is not bad, if it was bad Jesus would not want us to have things in common, as it was in the primitive Christian Church. Rather, what is bad is Marxism philosophy to use force as a means of equality—thievery.

It is the oppressors within the so called communist systems that make communism look bad. In the end, as long as any government is run by humans, such government will be corrupt. Whether it be communism or capitalism it is all the same. Marxism is an atheist machine; but so is capitalism.

Now, we cannot mention God in our schools. I had to fight to help my son pass cards about the resurrection of Christ in his class, yet eggs which is definitely a pagan ritual, is part of the school systems. So who is who? Who are the anti-God crowd? By euphemism the capitalists say “In God we trust”, while not allowing you to practice Christianity.

In communism countries,they are not bias about religion. They measure it all the same, because of so much corruption within the professional-false religions.

So, please don’t knock down other people’s trees without checking their fruit, and their roots; it is the same as your special tree.

Friday, May 6, 2011

“Mom Not Sexual Predator!” Was It the Boy?

Seed Newsvine

'Hummer Mom' Christine Hubbs Convicted of Underage Sex, Says She's Not a 'Predator'
My Viewpoint

“Mom Not Sexual Predator!” Was It the Boy?
What a shame for the way the article was written; almost leaving the impression that Ms. Hubbs was seduced by her daughter’s 14 year old boyfriend.  The tone implies that the forty year old woman was lead by the14 year old victim.  He is a male, therefore he was the instigator of a sexual relationship where the evidence points that she looked for every moment of it.
Actually, Ms. Hubbs may be a victim of social negligence.  If we take a look at the social media and at civic leaders, and at the academia, and even at televangelists women are always the victims and men are always the aggressors; therefore why should women mend their ways?  Like she said he was on their bed; but, he was the guest.  She lead him and he pulled her in, and it just happened?
Where was the planning?  Or was it well planned for her convenience?  If the boy had started it why did she followed him afterwards, and why did she showered the boy with gifts.  The detective’s words seem more likely.  His girlfriend’s mom seduced the boy, and then she seduced his fried as well; trying to manipulating the boy by jealousy.  Far from “It just happen.”
Sorry, Ms. Hubbs, you did not invent anything new.  Other moms have competed for and got their daughters’ boyfriends.  You will not make history, you were not the first.  In both cases, it was not Ms. Hubbs who started the sexual encounters “It just happened. Again, I just, I don't know.”  Typical seducer’s talk to save face.
There might be a possibility that this 40 year old woman, who is the mother of three, and who is married to what appears to be a another obedient husband, is actually a victim of social bias.  For, from secular teachings to academia and common religious talks, woman are incapable of abuse; unless the abuse occurs among women, than there is no scapegoat.   
Never yet, have I heard any expert or person of influence say publically that woman should mend their ways.  Normally the message is about men having to mend their ways, and even for men to be obedient to their wives.  Therefore when a man tries to help his wife to realize that she is off-track, the answer is logic: “Are you restricting me?” or “Don’t boss me around.” 
Recently I heard a prominent speaker praise the obedience to wives as a wise deeds.  Seems that Mr. Hubbs tried to help his wife, for he caught her text-messaging.  Tim Hubbs appears to be OK.  He did not interfere with his wife—so it appears, he went around to track her, and that is where she go into legal trouble. 
Had this woman ever heard publically that spouses have to listen to each other—wives listen to your husbands and husbands listen your wives, Ms. Hubbs may have been better off today.  However.  I have never heard it publically, and I surf the news, including talk shows and other public speaking.
Now, in this 21 Century, if Ms. Hubbs had heard about listening to her husband, as men are being instructed to listen to their wives, perhaps that marriage could be saved.  After all, Tim Hubbs at this time wants to forgive his wife and stay married to her.  By the article’s tone appears that Tim’s reaction is normal .  If the genders were reversed in this case, the wording might not have appeared so smooth.
The article appears orphan, without a “by line” and it should; after all, normally in crime reporting religion is not a focus.  But in the ABC’s article religion does come into play.  Such religious tone reporting is not common about Catholics and mainstream Protestants, why than bring other people’s religion into the news. 
By the general appearance of the Hubbs’ lifestyle in the article, the Hubbs were not mainstream Mormons.  They were not following basic church teaching; otherwise the conditions that lead this woman’s crime would have never occurred.   Though, the LDS Church does not dictate what to or not to do, The LDS Church does give advice on good living practice, it is up to each individual to choose.  Perhaps the next article involving non Catholics and non Protestants will be treated from a citizen viewpoint, rather than from a religious perspective.            
On the gender side, Ms. Hubbs appeared to get preferential treatment.  Since when has a man had continuous sex with two 14 year olds and only get 5 years on the can?  The feminists would be crying all-over the news, saying that another sexual offender would be getting a slap on the wrist. 
It is amazing, that through all this, Tim Hubbs wants to stay married to a sexual predator, while in the reporting His wife has not mentioned her infidelity and dishonesty to her family, to her husband, and to her children.  This woman was mostly concerned about appearance.
Is Tim Hubbs the product of example in being an obedient husband, or is Tim actually trying to be Christ-like?  Perhaps, Tim is simply being a sucker to whom noting matters, because women are always the victim and therefore women are always right, as it is being taught.