A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Monday, January 31, 2011

Women need to learn

Seed Newsvine

From Forbes

Meghan Casserly
Dad’s Off The Hook? Study Says Fathers Should Be A Little Less Involved In Parenting

My comment

Excellent information

Women need to learn how to respect husbands ways of doing things. Because of women having done some thing for long time, it does not mean that there is no other way, or even a better way. How about training moms be less selfish and allow the fathers room to help in the other person’s way.

For, according to my experience, and according to the study too, wives don’t want their husband to share in the rearing of the children. Rather, moms normally want to train husbands to be helpers, as if the man cant’ think for himself—a robot.

Thus, wife/mom tries to micromanage the husband’s activities. Woman need to learn how to share. If the husband salts the food, don’t complain. Just remember how many times you the wife salted the food or forgot the salt.

Women need to allow room for husband’s mistakes as well improvements. Just like when the wives make mistakes or improvements. It is trial and error from both sides. When two parents do things, normally thing are done in two different ways, but achieving he same objective. The problem appears to be competition.

Did the study recommend training women to respect the husband’s viewpoint? Or help the husband to adjust to the wife’s way of doing things? Or, at times learn from the husband?

How about training the feminists such concepts—men and women feminists alike?

Is Sarah Palin following Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Seed Newsvine

Sarah Palin, silent no more, speaks out about Todd's affair rumors

My comment

Lets look at the parallels between the two Power driven wives. Both women look for the big payoff, Hilly wanted to be president of the greatest nation on earth; Sarah Palin is trying for the same.

Hillary played it smart when Monica showed her underwear Bill. Could be that Sarah is also playing it smart when the Enquire published a story about Todd Palin’s involvement with a prostitution?

Hillary was the feminist’s idol, but when Bill said “I did not have sex with that woman.” Hillary knew the semantics of those words, but sacrificed her feminist idolship by staying with her man, for better reasons of course.

Hillary switched from her feminist rhetoric to become a nice suffering and supportive wife. It was Mrs. Clinton’s excellent plan in the ambition focus. Is it possible that Sarah Palin decided to make a sacrifice, for better reasons too.

Appears that Mrs. Sarah Palin is copycatting Hillary. According to Rita Watson, Mrs. Palin remained silent for five days when her own husband was accused of involvement with a prostitute ring. On the contrary, seems like it took Sarah five minutes to call for Assange’s death, in the WikiLeaks’ disclosing of US’s secret information. It is a big change in response time. Something does not seem right.

On the other hand, birthers and Sara’s movement seem not to believe the Hawaiian authorities about Obama’s birth records authenticity. Such, attitude implies that record fraud exists in Hawaii. Could that same attitude be valid for Alaska’s police records? Five days is a long time to be silent about something so important to Sarah Palin, her family and her followers.

Is Egypt becoming second Iran?

Seed Newsvine

The Shah was a “dictator”, and the world allowed extremist Muslim religionists to take over. Now, the everyday news about Iran lets us know how it works. It ranges from attire police to enforce women dressing styles inside Iran-covering that skin, to puppet religious extremists in Lebanon and Gaza. Again the news shows us a scary picture, especially about gender inequalities.

Saddam Hussein was a dictator, so the Western powers killed him. Much blood was spilled from that war, and nobody knows when the blood will stop running in the streets. Christians became targets with the new government. Women have less privileges now, than they had when Saddam Hussein was dictating. Iran, now has influence in Iraq too.

Iraqis who escaped to the West tell us that even though Saddam had his secret police on the streets, everybody knew who they were, by clues. The average Iraqi knew where it was safe and where it was dangerous. Now, no one in Iraq knows who is who. Fear is to the point that people take false identities to hide their religion sect of Islam, or to hide other ethnical identifiers. Woman fear the extremists, and have less opportunity now than they had under Saddam’s regime.

Lebanon has become a Hezbollah state. Now, will Egypt have a democracy next? Or will the democratic movement in Egypt allow themselves to be taken over by religionist and become another Islam state? Turkey appears to be leaning towards Iran. Will Iran return to the old Great Persian Empire of 500 BC?

The old Persian empire included today’s Libya, Egypt, Greece, and Turkey, across a 2,500 mile stretch to include Pakistan, Afghanistan and part of India with Iraq, Lebanon, and Kuwait. Now with its home-made missiles and nukes almost on the go, that old Persian dream may not seem so farfetched. Than, the Islamic law and the Islamic nation could become a global power or the globe itself. After all, the Muslim family has multiple births, while the western family produces around 1.7 children and decreasing.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ironically, women negativism appears missing.

Seed Newsvine

From Huffington post

“Why men don’t listen”
Robert Leahy, Ph.D.
Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy
Posted: January 27, 2011 08:26 AM

My comment

Ironically, women negativism appears missing. Could this be by neglect, coincidence, intention, or bias?

When women start to see men as equals, they will not treat husbands as slaves. If men be robots and do as they are told or implied to by honey, the marriage is sweet. When men try to have the same input in the marriage, then “man can’t listen.”

Women know that the law is in their side and they will take advantage of it, like my “EX” told me. If you would like facts check my blog. Prove me wrong. Make research into who starts the violence. By the way, as long as the man has income it not too bad; but when unemployment arrives, women demonstrate how much they love their husbands. Not all woman of course. The opposite is also true, Doc.

Hey Doc, how about statistics on who starts fights hat home, and who is sneaky, and who uses emotion control, and who lies in court. Who turns the children against the father? Take a course in feminism, check what is being taught there. Than your article will be different and creditable.

A Tumbleweed

Seed Newsvine

Turning and turning
The tumbleweed goes
Always rolling

Without feet nor toes
The way is any way
It no longer grows

Restless, can’t lay
With each wind gust
It dos not stay

Useless as rust
And without seed
Without vice or lust

It is a tumbleweed
Without a creed
no blood, can’t bleed.

By DFF Leonardo

Is Sarah Palin a bad example?

Seed Newsvine

It appears that Sarah Palin is a paradox. Sarah speaks about all the good things about the family and other good things, like every politician does. But appears that Palin puts emphasis on family values. That is great to keep families together.

However, families, especially conservative families like Sarah proposes, function by two parents. Right on, she is on target. This is amazing from a mother of five with a special needs child to care for. Supporting the family and being there, goes hand and hand.

As experts and experienced people say, the best teaching method is example; and this is the area where Sarah Palin may be falling short. The family means doing things together—a mother and a father. How can Palin the mom, spend time with her family, when a great portion of her time is on the road giving speeches, or preparing talks, and surfing the news?

Sarah Palin is not being the exemplary mom that she appear to be. Seems that her husband can cover for her; or does Sarah Palin hire people to help out with parental tasks? Even if the last is true, mom is not there. Sarah Palin does not fulfill the role of a loving mom, to fulfill the very role that she advocates.

Than, if Sarah Palin is not living by what she preaches, how can we rely on Sarah Palin as politician? Could it be that Palin, is visioning a two layer system where one set of rules apply to rich and affluent, while another set of rules apply to the proletariat? That is the way things are now, we do not need people doing what is being done; it has not worked and will not work. We need politicians with an honest focus, and with a new perspective. We need our equals to be politicians.

Second exodus from Egypt?

Seed Newsvine

From Reuters

UPDATE 1-Governments ready to fly citizens out of Egypt

My comment

The first exodus was 3,300 years ago by the Israelites, now it’s the rest of the world running for their lives.

What do the governments know that the public does not see? Chaos is already in Egyption streets—the police is “retreating.”

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Seed Newsvine

Eve and Adam—out
Of the Garden of Paradise,
Adam by choice, Eve by clout,
She wanted to be wise.

Thacious, Oedipus, and others,
Heroes by choice and make.
Some also were mothers,
Homer, Aristotle and the fake.

The woman in the tent with a peg,
Cleopatra, Ahaz and Jezebel,
Esther, Mordekhai—for trial to beg,
Abraham had to dig another well.

Jacob, Rachel, Leah and Laban,
Potiphar’s wife—Joseph in jail.
Pharaoh and Israel’s haven.
Moses’ mother chose—didn’t fail.

Greeks made heroes, and wives for the home to keep.
Males named predators, to act.
Truth didn’t matter, therefore the writers had to leap.
Males and females labeled as fact.

Literature maintaining the myth
For the expecting audience:
The man as a mean smith
The woman as full of innocence.

By DFF Leonardo

Women get it easy

Seed Newsvine

Mother who admitted murdering teenaged kids taken to hospital
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida | Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:10am EST
(Reuters) - A Tampa woman who admitted murdering her two teenage children was taken to a local hospital on Saturday for evaluation, police said.


Women get it easy

My comment

It is amazing, when men murder their children, they are put in jail waiting trail; but when women murder their children, they are put in the hospital.

When was the last or first time a father was put in the hospital for killing for killing hi children? Is this bias? Please tell me.

Is The Telegraph helping or endangering lives in Egypt?

Seed Newsvine

From: The Telegraph UK

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising
The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

My comment

Is The Telegraph helping or endangering lives in Egypt?

The Telegraph’s decision to credit America with democracy movements is great, but the timing may be uappropriate, in Egypt’s situation. After all, the democratic movement is not yet in power. According to the news, the very leader who was the supposed connection to the US embassy a few years ago, is under Egyption arrest.

Under the present conditions, the release of such information may put democracy leaders’ lives in jeopardy. At least torture is almost guaranteed.

Therefore, where is the editors’ wisdom about such publication at this time? It appears as anti-American. Or worse yet, it may cause difficulties for US intervention or help with communicating with Mubarak.

Is this Fox News bias?

Seed Newsvine

Fox News

Army officer's wife charged in children's slayings
Published January 28, 2011
| Associated Press

My comment:

If it was the father, the headlines would probably say “Father kills children”. However, Officer’s wife, implies that it was not a mother. Is this a form of bias to protect the title “Mother?” Let me know if I am wrong. Feminism is very sneeky and clever in wording by their own definition of words.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rand Paul

Seed Newsvine

From Washington Post
GOP senator favors cutting US aid to Israel

The Associated Press
Friday, January 28, 2011; 4:10 PM
My comment

Ran Paul

Honorable Senator Paul,
Cutting all aid for Israel? You just cut my vote or any support for your agenda, even though some things I admire about you.

Have you realized Sir, that if Israel implodes, the catastrophe would devastate the entire Mid-East.

Have you proposed a self sustained government. Rather than third party-getting rich schemes?

I will offer you $1.99, for you to buy some twine, and fly a kite.


Seed Newsvine

The patched-eye philosopher
Who, has not read everything
Who, sees God as a grasshopper
Whom, will just destroy anything

It is hard to read all that is there
One eye only sees but one side
The one eyed says God is everywhere
Yet nowhere, taking you for a ride

The one eyed intellectual, sure
Has he read all and all that there is
Gives you all, while he hides the lure
That is all clear far or near, all biz

The patched-eye philosophist
Forgot to read the other side
And his good eye has a thick mist
And the evidence is in a slide

The one eyed philosopher contends
Not noticing that the course is really set.
She shows what she really understands,
And he has not mentioned the devil yet

There also it very clear states, if you read
That the Lord of the vineyard went away
Meanwhile each one created his won creed
Yet, somewhere states what the Lord did say

The patched-eye scholar, the master
Uses mysteries as if it was plaster
Putting the mysteries in an alabaster
Against those without vision, an outcaster

The mystery over mystery creator
Making God what He is not, nor
Will ever be; for there is a door
The law was set that way before
But it’s for those humble and poor
For those who are meek ever more
Where the old diamond can’t bore
And the rest fail test as in folklore

If the patched-eye philosopher could,
But her leg like his is all rotten wood
She like him really wares the hood
While by law, heaven goes as it should

Without one eyed, scholar, PhD’s degree
Has he or she considered, all are free
A blessing and a course for all to see
God can not break his law of eternity

By DFF Leonardo


Seed Newsvine


First the money
When all is funny
Sugar and honey

Than, comes pain
All with disdain
There’s no brain

Asking old friends
One contends
In circles’ ends

If they looked back
Anyone could attack
Carrying the sack

Melted in tears
Took many years
To drop the fears

There was no bed
Them found dead
No one was sad

By DFF Leonardo


Seed Newsvine

I did my tweet
I got a retreat

Trying as I could
Al jezeer would

A blot a blot only
It made me lonely

A blot or encrypt
It was from Egypt

So, I did retweet
Received real neat

State department, it
I read every bit

It was very nice
Pretty as blue ice

I did need to read
And to answer a feed

Scrolled some more
I did not ignore

Read it from the state
It was getting late.

By DFF Leonardo

Feminism at work, it appears as soft bigotry.

Seed Newsvine

From Huffington Post
Cathleen Miller, Chicago Ridge Mom, Gets 10 Years For Sex With Daughter's Friends
My comment

Another excellent example of feminism at work, it appears as soft bigotry.

According to Huffington Post, Cathleen Miller was: “… accused of providing alcohol and marijuana to three high school freshmen.” If the accused was a man, the wording probalby woul be: “dad raped three 14 and 15 year olds.” This is not a press gaff. Press being appologetic for women is a trend by feminists. It is so clear how the wording changes. The media’s patttern shows the feminists’ intention of protecting women.
Here is Hugfinton Post’s niceness by quoting Cathleens lawyer “John Russell, said that she had been the victim of domestic abuse. "She does need some serious treatment involving some psychiatric issues that have developed," he said.””
Since when is it mentioned that men criminals need treatment? But this apologetic pattern is common in newspapers and magazines, even when moms kill their own children in hopping to free themselves for a lover. Them moms never appear trying to let the children be with their dads.

How about when guys commit serious crimes like that? Does the press try to apologize by placing the blame on others, including the accused’s upbringing? Child boys get abused too. I have never seen such niceness about men; and I am a news-surfer.

This is a pattern of journalism bias trying to make the woman being the victim even when women are the criminals.

-- Prove me wrong ---

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sara Palin – E-mails

Seed Newsvine

From Reuters
Alaska promises release of Palin emails by May 31
My comment

The Tea Party may be needed; but Sarah Palin may be needed out of it.

Sarah Palling Palin has proven to be the strongest women on the hearth. She can pump more hot air than all of the Alaska's volcanos put together. If Palin’s efficiency is like the release of her E-mails, no one has to worry about her running for the presidency. She will give her last speech by the start of the 2016 election’s ending.

WikiLeaks supporters hackers arrested

Seed Newsvine

From Reuters


My comment

WikiLeaks supporters hackers arrested

Releasing information is in the journalism and freedom of speech arena; but sending information to shut down servers appears to be in the breaking the law area. They are two distinct situations.
Moreover, if we demand freedom, than why not allow even one’s enemies to stay within their right to provide or deny service? Though on the opposite side, they deserve as much freedom as anyone expects for him or herself.

Bigotry, Sexism, and Feminism are Synonymous—Identify It.

Seed Newsvine

Bigots exist at all levels of society and education. From the post PhD professional to the ignorant and the analphabet or illiterate, the mentality is the same—elevating self by putting others down.

You can see bigotry in the media, in academia, in religion, in liberalism, and now mostly among the environmentalists; and among those so called friends.
The bigot’s mental deficiency is an old learned problem. However, it can be cured if the culprit really wants to heal himself or herself. It is called behavior modification.

There are various reasons to be a bigot. Some people simple learned from family or friends or from the institution, others use it as a defensive mechanism. Then the worse kind of bigotry is the type used to promote an agenda. Whatever the reason is, bigotry shows a level of dishonesty on the individual using it.

Granted, there are some gray lines between the area of ignorance and intention. However anyone paying attention can notice a pattern. Patterns are absolute identifiers of anything. By patterns it is shown how research is made, and it is by patterns that court convictions or innocence is determined based on the law.

Anyone can be either or both the victim or the bigot. Many of us, unfortunately only see bigotry when it hurts us. Sometimes we become pacifists and accept it to avoid contention.
If we chose to accept anything against us, than we loose our identity; our enemies will abuse us verbally, we become the forced clowns.

However, we must discern between valid principals used and human intention of good. In principals, the institution has reasons to adapt certain principals probably based on certain levels of integrity or on concepts of ideology to help society. Those areas are grey at the most; normally they are defined in a good purpose and are not intended to hurt anyone. We are not focusing on that area. We are focusing on areas more mundane such as feminism, race, and social status.

How to easily identify a bigot:
Jokes that seem funny, but the joker would not reverse positions on identities, normally based on race or gender.

The joker or orator keeps a patter based on classism, or gender, or race.

The speaker gets offended when similar jokes or statistics focus on him or her; or his gender, or her race, or their social status, or ethnicity.

Types of bigots:
The inferiority complex-- To elevate self, by oppressing others, or both.
The herd dedication—trying to get followers from the majority.
The protectionist—to keep a degree of difference from those she or he hates.
The compassionist—to gain favor with a group at the expense of another group. This type expresses compassion only about a specific group, thus implying that the other group are at fault.

Feminists’ pigs’ award on sexism is very sweet (internationally used), mostly used in churches: “Peace at home starts when the man has the last word: “Yes dear.””

When I will edit this, it will be more interesting.

If you can add to my list or prove me wrong, please drop a line within the perimeters of kindness.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Men Victims of Feminism

Seed Newsvine

Updated version

Other sites about men as victims of feminism

Wall Street Journal


Unrelated posting by me

Is Religion Destroying Families?

The family is under attack from all sources, especially from the very sources claiming to be defending the family—religion among other institutions. As an adult, I attended over 21 congregations, in different religions or sects Christian and non-Christian. From the layman’s viewpoint, I am surprised by what I have heard in different congregations, in the media, and in academics.

However, it is not appropriate to mention any particular church or religion among over 4,000 religions. It would be unfair to mention a few churches while other religions or sects would appear to be OK.

Sometimes, I attended different religions simultaneously at different schedules—once this happened for over two years. I was looking for knowledge, and I am continuing to search—knowledge is infinite.

The interesting paradox about religion is that it seems to be doing the feminist’s work by claiming to be building the family while bashing husbands—thus, bashing fathers also. Such bashing, creates contention in the family. In feminism “man’ is removed from society using the euphemism “neutral” or “neutrality” as (political correctness). A nasty source neutralizing men, or fathers, or husbands is Tele-Evangelism. I learned to shot off the radio.

According to Professor (Emeritus) Louise Forsyth, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, at a workshop in feminism at the Federal University of Goias (UFG), in Goiania, Brazil in 2010, “neutrality” and “play of words” is what conveys the message [feminism].

The question is: What is the logic for the family which every Sunday at church or on the radio hears about the husband–thus the father being indirectly pictured as in need of being a better person? Should we expect the mother/wife to view the husband/father any differently? The wife and mother at home relates to her husband—the father of her children, in the same way that she learned in church.

How about the children? What image can the children have of their father when the children hear only negative things about “men” husbands, thus-fathers too?” The children will not think much about their fathers. Thus, will these children have the desire to be fathers when they grow-up? It does not seem logic. The children simple follow the rhetoric they hear in church, in the media, in school, and in films, and from their moms. Children see dad as the dummy, regardless of any good things dad may do, the picture is set by default. Then, if unemployment hits home, the father’s image is absolutely negative.

Here is a classical example: Recently a husband prepared a dish high in protein and vitamins. It was something of his creation. Since the husband and wife have different cultural backgrounds there is a bit of the wife’s resentment about the husband’s cooking, or rather the spices he uses—shelf ingredients. Nevertheless, she enjoys the food when she is not aware of such ingredients. This is a wife who did not know how to prepare eggs for breakfast, when they married.

As the wife arrived home one day, the husband greeted her with “We have a new dish high in protein, vitamins, and fiber, and low in carbs, and no cholesterol.” The wife’s simple response was “Hum.” Sometimes such news is met with “Another invention!” She ate and had seconds on the “Hum” dish. But, one of the children simple said: “No way” without even tasting it. Criticizing dad’s sequence or amount of ingredients is mom’s routine.

Some of this family’s dishes that this good wife brags about are based on the dummy’s creation—the husband’s. It has gotten to the point that any food this husband prepares, is rejected by the children without them tasting it, or seeing, unless mom prepared it first. When dad prepares food, the first question from the children is “What is in it?” The only exception to this antagonism is bread and plane-pizza which is mostly done by the father. Both spouses have university degrees.

A former friend invited me to attend one of his church’s services in central Massachusetts. It was pretty sad. The message implied that men are evil; it repeatedly admonished men while omitting the same from women, as if women were perfect. The subliminal message was that men are the problem at home.

The religiofeminists know that at times in the bible men have been commanded to follow their wives’ counsel, and wives also have been commanded to follow the husband. Thus, biblically, each spouse must listen to the other spouse. But the relegiofeminists want to mold men to be submissive to the wives. To be straw figures, without input at home.

The irony from these pulpit bullies is that feminism excludes God. Yet they are on the feminists’ side. Religionists can not be honest to the scriptures they are teaching from, if simultaneously they take both sides on the same issue.

On one side, they say that God created the family, and a man should preside, provide, and suffer for his wife and even die for her. On the other side they imply that men are no-good. Such teaching is against statistics that show about equal numbers in both genders starting domestic violence.

Male bashing is not an easy topic to discuss. Even scholars may have some catching up to do. A few years ago while taking a journalism course at UMass Amherst, I presented a take where men are just as much victims of domestic violence as women. I was surprised by the reception from my Professor B. J. Roach. ‘’You are going against the grain.” She said.

My bibliography was not sufficient. I had to bring in the books and a magazine in family relations. No other student was required to bring in the evidence to support their articles. Nevertheless, this professor was honest. After she made some of her own research, and after consulting with other professional journalists—according to her, she told me that she learned that “Men are being short-changed”.

At a religious gathering for singles, a mid aged woman told me that women were smarter than men—she cited a religious leader for such knowledge. In another instance, after joining a congregation, my wife at that time, told me that men were “no good” and that God would compensate for women. The women in church had taught her that, she said. That teaching, may have contributed to our divorce. Nevertheless, each person is responsible for his or her deeds.

In the same congregation, after a heavy dose of male bashing in a men’s class, in private, I approached the leader who had taught the class. He was the leader of spiritual leadership management group; thus, someone of more weight. I told him that the problems a home are attributed to both spouses. Instantly he replied “Do you do the dishes? As I started to answer to him that I not only do the dishes, but the laundry too, and cooked when conditions permitted. That Spiritual leader walked away without saying a single word.

At another congregation very rich in culture, where most of the regular attendees have Master’s degrees, and some have PhDs, there was a culture shock. In the women’s poster board appeared a monthly poster with a humor section as usual. However, this particular poster stayed up for about two months. These nice women in leadership saw it appropriate in humor to bash men with what they would cry to be offensive if the reverse had been said. The local leaders had to see that poster; for they had to pass by the yellow 8.5 x 11 poster paper in their way to the services.

Once, a newly installed local leader who was new to the congregation, had a meeting with me at my request. During our exchange of information I stated that I had never hit my ex-wife. That leader reacted with high tone voice saying “You better not!” Yet, after I stated that my “ex” had hit me, he disregarded my comment, as if wives beating husbands was tolerable. This leader was a physician by trade.

One of my wife’s friends told my wife that her daughter-in-law brook a foot trying to kick her husband [this woman’s son] as he moved way from her—the wife. Mom advised him to divorce, to avoid such routine abuse. After a while, as jobs force people to move, that man by chance ended-up in the same congregation as his “ex.” Soon after his arrival at the new congregation, he was “invited” by that congregation’s leaders to move out of the congregation, because his “ex” was uncomfortable.

There are two other cases of my knowledge where local church leaders “invited” the man to leave the congregation, because the “ex wife.” In two of these cases, children were involved. In all three cases the wife had been the violent party.

These religious leaders did not ask for details, nor show any concern for the children involved. The weekly contact of father and children got weakened. Afterwards, the children only saw their dad two weekends a month. Religion is supposed to care for the children, yet they separate children from their fathers to empower divorced moms. Some of those children abandoned both the religion and their father.

These religious leaders’ audacity is shocking, when they are asked about bias against men. At a church conference, a speaker (non-professional) started his discourse by stating “I will be pulling the brothers’ hears.” His talk was only about how much men should support, and listen to, and love their wives. He did not even put men as parallel to women—by implication men were put down. As usual, he quoted scripture to support his point; but, he quoted only the 1st half of verse 33 in Ephesians 5th chapter.

Afterwards, while I was in the rest-room, the area-leader used the facility too. I took the opportunity of privacy and while the topic was still fresh in our minds, I expressed my hurt to that leader. Even though he acknowledged that during the speech, women had not been reminded of needing to listen to their husbands, he claimed to see nothing wrong with the speech.

One of his replies was unbelievable. As I reminded him that the only reason he supported the discourse was because his wife must not have hit him yet. “I don’t give her, a reason to”, he answered. I was devastated.

A few days later, I learned that I was not alone. Also, after going home, I came across that verse: Ephesians 33: “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the a wife see that she reverence her husband.” After checking the church’s website I got the following summary from the chapter relative to the topic: “Husbands and wives should love each other.” In the same page, an interpretation of “reverence” = Courtesy; Respect.”

A few years ago at another place after a church meeting with similar tones of male bashing, a man from the congregation in a soft voice told me “I get it at home, and then I come to church and get more of the same.” I don’t recall seeing that man in church again, even though I attended there for a few more months.

Contrary to the anti-family groups, men do have feelings, and men do cry, and men get low self-esteem, and men get hurt when their wives use verbal violence. Men do get hurt when people for prestige, or for profit, or for self-glory imply that domestic problems are only men’s fault.

The sacredness about the patriarchal title “To lead by example, full of love and sacrifice” has become a stained and mocked figure-head. Meanwhile, wives are getting indirect encouragement to use absolute power, emotional control, and judicial liberty by all segments of society.

Destroying the patriarch’s purpose, is the focus of the feminism movement. The term patriarch is referred to with disdain in academia, especially in literature studies. Therefore, religionists and secularly aggressive groups alike are destroying the very family that they preach of being sacred. So, where is the family? The family is under attack and is disintegrating quick. Nevertheless, our children are still better with religion than without it; as it has been reported so.

The good part about my observation is that not all religionists are bias. I know of two cases where influential religious leaders stated that both spouses are responsible for peace at home (Paraphrasing). They also stated that women too, need to improve in being less aggressive.

The local and immediate clergy and pastors and other religious and civic leaders have much progressing to do in preaching equality for both genders. I still attend church, and thus I have a voice; and I can help my children to distinguish between what people teach and what the scriptures really say.

I am not persuading people to leave religion, even though many churches are simply capitalist enterprises, using the name of God as bait. Some of these career preachers have financial goals to meet, and they have comfortable salaries well above their congregation. However, without religion this world would be a real jungle in worse condition.

I attend church because it sets an integrity base for the children and for adults as well, even though, many times I disregard the speakers when they start male-bashing. If a person is dishonest enough to condemn all men without knowing each man’s situation, that speaker looses all his or her credibility.

When there is no male-bashing, I enjoy being reminded of what God expects of me; and I even become more alert to things that I had not paid much attention to in the bible. Thus, I grow by attending church. And of course what my children learn about integrity is absolute priceless. But above all, I attend church because I know that God is real, and I know that there is a purpose in living, and I know that at some point in time, I have to answer to my Creator

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is Rush Limbaugh wrong about Obama?

Seed Newsvine

Limbaugh: Obama Must Release Birth Certificate
By Jim Meyers
My comment

Is Rush Limbaugh wrong about Obama?

Obama may not have a birth certificate available. If his parents traveled so much, and after a divorce. People loose lots of documents in traveling, especially if they don’t have money like Limbaugh does. Obama comes from a poor family like many of us.

Even if Obama had been born in Africa, as some claim, Obama is still a US born citizen.
For a child born overseas to a US citizen, is a US citizen. The US citizen abroad upon becoming a parent, has up to two years to declare the child’s birth at the local US embassy—probably a US consulate too.

If citizenship was any different, than the thousands of children born to US soldiers overseas would not have the same rights as their siblings born in US soil. Also, that means the children of diplomats as well, and the children of US citizens working abroad, would be second class citizens.

All it takes is for the US parent to take all hospital or maternity certification from where the child was born, accompanied by other requested documents. When it all is processed the child receives a consular birth certificate of US citizenship. It is a federal document. Now, if Obama does not have his birth certificate, he can ask the embassy where he was born, if not in Hawaii.

Based on declared birth alone, Obama would have been a US born citizen, because his mother was American. However, according to Hawaii vital records, Obama was born in Hawaii. http://hawaii.gov/health/vital-records/obama.html If such official evidence is not enough for the birthers, than they may have either an ignorance problem or racism is running in their minds. On the other hand, it is time that Barack H. Obama II, provides evidence, he can do it.

Israel and Palestinians

Seed Newsvine

From WS Journal

Leaks Reveal Deep Palestinian-Israeli Security Ties


My comment

Israel and Palestinians are progressing.

Now, that is good news. Perhaps both the Palestinians and the Israelis are realizing that words are more powerful than bombs. The masters of such progress from both sides should be candidates for the Noble Peace Price, they deserve it.

Bandages don’t cure infections.

Seed Newsvine

From: NY Times
January 24, 2011, 9:15 pm
Training Youths in the Ways of the Workplace
My comment

Bandages don’t cure infections.

Training our youth into the work culture, is a great program and it is an excellent opportunity to address the youth unemployment situation; but it does not solve the cause of the problem. For, there are a few factors causing problem which do not seem to be addressed. Moreover, a working culture needs to come from reality. It requires desire and opportunity.

First, all forms of the most powerful influence on our youth, teaches them that living is having joy at the beach, partying, dancing, and sports; that is fun—working is not what our youth are genuinely learning. From text books, to TV, to You Tube, and all the literature available to our youth, work is the last think, if it is ever shown. Therefore by instinct, our youth are trained not to work. Work is not part of the youth’s reality.

To make it worse, when we see resume examples, the focus is on those who are above average. Supervisory skills, and leadership, or super situations of excellence are the focus of sample resumes. However, in an average workplace, the ratio of supper-skills need is small—over-qualified, not hirable. Leadership, while being need to excel, is not essential in the working heard. Only one leader is needed to supervise 15 or 20 workers. Many times, a human robot is all that the job requires. So there is no connection to reality.

Also, a job is an idea that is foreign to many youth. They have seen it on their parents’ lives; but they also have been taught that their parents are “old fashioned”, the fad is being different. Reality has been the opposite of work. The perimeters of punching a time clock, and staying working for two hours before a break, and being at the work station within ten minutes after the break starts, seems too rigid to them.

However, let’s aim at the ultimate culprit. We have more people than we have jobs. To make more millionaires out of the stockholders and CEOs, our corporations have been pumping jobs overseas faster than we could think. That has bee going on for about 30 years.

The fire keeps on spreading, because those exported jobs never come back. Also, those machines and jobs that went to other nations are working against us. The same corporations that took the jobs away, are now pumping the same products into the USA, at cheaper prices. The people who use to make such products, now cannot buy them because they are unemployed or they are working at two part times jobs.

Then, much of the training these youth get is on the service sector such as sales. Any successful sales career requires a bit of cleverness that at times interferes with dignity and integrity.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Don’t Cry

Seed Newsvine

Crying won’t help
It has been proven
They want your scalp
They are interwoven.

Grinding and grinding…
The mood goes around
As if natural slimming
To bring you down.

They have the law
And all else too
As if without flaw
They know how to…

Don’t, don’t cry!
Forget the honey and pie
They don’t care why,
They just laugh and lie.

The truth means nothing
To justify the mood
When they want something
They are gentle and smooth.

Don’t cry, don’t cry!
For a man can’t fly,
Men can’t ask why.
Hope’s above the sky.

At all times keep reverence,
Prayer makes a difference,
And God knows innocence.
Behave, as if in God’s presence.

By DFF Leonardo - 2006

Women more sick days:

The Telegraph UK
Mon, Jan 24, 2011

Women more likely to take sickies

Women are more likely than men to take sick days and are happier to give an embarrassing excuse for taking unplanned leave, according to a new survey.

My comment

Who wrote that? That article is anti feminist. Just a few months ago at a university setting a woman commented that women were harder workers than man, that is why they live longer. It was not mentioned that the gender death gap is closing.

Now someone has the courage to post statistics to show that women tend to sleaze more than men. That is not fair. It keeps on adding that women are just like men –better in some ways and worse in other ways.

And than, they topped it with “And women were less likely than men to believe a colleague who phoned in sick was genuinely ill.” In this case women are being better judges; for, they know themselves.

And then, the author had the audacity to tally women’s lam excuses to have a day off.

Shame on the author. That is lacking in dishonesty, not being clever enough to invert the data to make women look good. Manipulating the facts to favor women is what is done in American courts when a divorce is heard, and in the median, and even in church. Of course In Britain, you folks may be more honest when comes to gender.

To the author:
Remember this, for your success in being published in America. First, make women look good—always. Second, knock down men as often as you can. Third, does not matter what happens, woman are always the victim, or perhaps emotionally distressed—because of men of course. Forth, and above all, because she needed to.

Hypnosis is nothing new, and it works.

Like capitalism, and socialism, and communism, hypnotism is a form of conditioning people at the subconscious level. However, contrary to the above isms, hypnotism is mostly used at the individual’s request for the purpose of therapy and other health purposes, or by curiosity in entertainment settings; and it also used in other areas less noticeable.

Hypnosis has been used for centuries in minute areas of mental activity. Presently, the people using or studying hypnotism, range from physicians and psychologists to therapists and detectives and entertainers.

Like the medical and education professions, and any other business, hypnotism is used both as a source of revenue by professionals, as it is used as a benefit to the recipients. There are however, situations where hypnosis techniques or forms of mild hypnosis are used without the individual being aware of it.

These mild forms, range from some methods of relaxation to advertisement, and educational class management, and teaching techniques. Mild hypnosis sometimes is a natural stage that each person goes through. In these situations, normally the individual is not aware of it; and identifies the situation as not paying attention of whatever was in perspective.

Unfortunately, like in ay other area there are those who exploit the hypnotic phenomenon for what is not being used in general. Hypnosis is exploited by the practitioners as well as by criminals.
Certified professionals some times use hypnotic techniques to help clients, but the practice in general has been allowing religion to mix with and even confuse clients. Criminals used hypnotic strategies in helping them to achieve heir means; this is a minute use of hypnosis.

The most common use of hypnosis is “behavior modification” such as stop smoking, changing habits, and relaxation. As a peripheral technique, hypnosis is used by psychologists, physicians, and people in the medical profession, and others. The sensationalized aspect of hypnosis or “demonstrational hypnosis” is commonly known as stage hypnosis or hypnotics shows.

Hypnosis is beneficial and it is a scale that everyone can and should know how to do for personal use. The fact that people say that Hypnosis does nor work is because it is not used properly. As a former certified hypnotherapist, I saw the positive results of people changing their personality to what they planned to be or do. Such as reducing grass smoking, and tyrant supervisory attitudes.

This is the first of a few article that I will write and post probably in a weekly basis. It would not be fair to go into detail because of the length or reading.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Palestinian leak, or trial balloon.

From: BBC
23 January 2011 Last updated at 23:17 GMT

Palestinian 'offers' in peace process - papers leaked
Leaked documents released by al-Jazeera TV suggest Palestinian negotiators agreed to Israel keeping large parts of illegally occupied East Jerusalem.


My comment

Palestinian leak, or trial balloon.

Realistically, if there was a treaty where a nation or a people would give up anything, and the disclosure would come absolute and as a surprise, there would come as a shock to the people, thus problems could occur.

However, appears that logically, it would be wiser to soften the people, and get a feeling on their reactions. Even if the people don’t like the idea, at lest when the real thing comes, the situation appears as old news. The tendency is to accept the situation.

It is like raising taxes on something that if the entire plane would be implied suddenly, the tax-payers would reject it. However, since the human brain has the tendency of accepting small discomforts, implementing a small tax may not be popular, but it is accepted. Then, those in power, just keep on adding more increments until they obtain their plan.

The same appears in the Palestinian leak. For now, it sounds only like it is a rumor. If there won’t be too much complaining they will go ahead with the plan or with the general idea. Afterwards, more details will make the leak a reality. So, people will have gotten used to it, or have accepted it. When they sign the accord it is a done deal, and the focus will be on the positive. Everybody will win, because peace is priceless.

A Thought

It is in some way a mystery to decipher
A way of thinking a way of living a life
By night and by day a thought to confer
A turn in the world is just another strife

It is only the outcome that is noticeable
Life goes, it is at the end what counts
But time is a puzzle rolling like a marble
Choices affect and the account amounts

Some only choose to see the pinnacles
Meanwhile the road is set at one way
While others may only see the obstacles
What we chose is on time or with a delay

But, time is not a choice nor is it any fate
Each is in charge, but not when at the gate

DFF Leonardo – 2007

It’s a crime

It’s a crime to be poor
It’s a crime to ask for …
It’s a crime to have more …
It’s a crime to lack money
It’s a crime to be a father
It’s a crime to be shoeless
It’s a crime to have less
It’s a crime to be rich
It’s a crime to say the truth
It’s a crime to live
It’s a crime to be hungry
It’s a crime to be homeless
It’s a crime to be jobless
It’s a crime to walk on the earth
It’s a crime to be human
It’s a crime not to pay tax
It’s a crime…

DFF Leonardo -- 2008


Wondering without end
without money
without food
children in hyper
wife murmuring
no job
no medical insurance
school unfinished
falling asleep studying
waking up during the night
behind in child support
the gas unpaid
the car unpaid
the brakes in metal
the oil three times over
the stomach wanting to explode
where will the rent come from
the heart with a hollow as a tree
what will become of my family and me …

DFF Leonardo - 2006


bills bills bills to pay and pay tomorrow
weighting in my stomach like an arrow
today I have no money but only hope
looking as if a job is really within scope
today is yesterday but not as i hopped
yesterday is past like a road that slopped

i can not go back for it is gone forever
i could not pay and i can’t pay if i ever
the truth is that once a debtor is always
even when working all nights and all days
looking for a job is a job that never ends
being poor is me who everyone reprimands

overqualified unqualified or ignored again
no references no friends avoid or disdain
it is another world to face and to live in
my shoes and my hopes are getting thin
it reflects in the words at any interview
they say the application is still for review

the car with an empty tank and bald tires
payments overdue and taxes like briers
the food i eat makes me as if i will vomit
than am i better dead or being a hermit
even the sleep goes away in the night
my stomach is upset and is over tight

no i did not borrow not did i waste any
when i was in need it offered or lent to me
then child support is by law guaranteed
to make my children’s life better indeed
the children almost poor but real poor am i
i wish to provide and lead each to the sky

they have ihpods and really fashion glasses
things that a father objects without classes
depending on the market for work is bad
trying any business without money is sad
being laid off from work is just like others
than the government is against all fathers

trees without fruit and for heat only a twig
only death can take me from debt so big
my grave i don’t have neither it can i dig

By DFF Leonard - 2007

Between Two

When it all starts
It is all fine
Without larks
Without brine

Only some can see
What others don’t know
Like a humming bee.
Like sweet dough

A secret to keep
As to climb a hill
Like a big leap
You can not fail

That is love
Gentle and suave
A girl and a boy
Just can’t be coy.

By DFF Leonardo - 2006


So many spears,
A crown of thorns,
So many tears,
So many scorns.

Thus, all alone,
He did His job,
He got the throne
By His own throb.

Yes, eye for an eye
No longer true,
His example from high
To me and you.

He did command:
Pray to understand,
To choose and stand.

By DFF Leonardo -- 2006

A Talking Tree

I just wished to be with a friend,
As the rain fell almost without end,
But, the only company was the dark night
Disturbed by each passing car’s beams of light.

Each day presented its test.
Inside an old small car’s best,
But, the real painful test was yet to come,
When talking to those pious who did sleep at home.

Only a divorced man can see,
To be tested for temper and honesty,
How much it hurts to be treated like a tree,
Laughed at, mocked and falsely accused of dishonesty.

I can tell you why, if you let me explain.
There is nothing to explain, suffer the pain!
So, you broke the law, did not inspect your car.
It serves you well, negligence and luck can only go so far.

They say: It is a matter of managing your money well!
In reality, the truth about real misery, only some can tell.
The fat cats laugh at you, calling you lazy even when you cry.
Searching and searching, you can’t get a job, no matter how honest you try.

Understanding that men are not trees,
Only those who have been hungry and cold and without utilities.
While those who make the laws never lack basics, comforts, and amenities;
The system by euphemism, their business’ masters supply them with elections and luxuries.

By DFF Leonardo -- 2005

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Obama is right, birthers are wrong.

Washington Post (From AP)

Hawaii law bars release of Obama birth info
The Associated Press
Saturday, January 22, 2011; 4:56 AM

My comment:

Obama is right, birthers are wrong.

Are birthers in a euphemist-racist trip? It appears to be true. The issue would never have started if Barack Hussein Obama II had any resemblance to George W. Bush, Sara Palin, or Rush Limbaugh. According to Jocelyn Novak, in The Associated Press, they are all 10th level cousins.

Even if Obama had been born in Africa, as some claim, he could still be a US born citizen.
For a child born overseas to a US citizen, becoming a US citizen is very simple. The US citizen abroad, upon becoming a parent, has up to two years to declare the child’s birth at the local US embassy—probably a US consulate too. All it takes is for the US parent to take all hospital or maternity certification from where the child was born, accompanied by other requested documents. When it is all processed the child receives a consular birth certificate of US citizenship. It is a federal document.

Based on birth declaration alone, Obama would have been a US born citizen, because his mother was an American. However, according to Hawaii vital records, Obama was born in Hawaii. http://hawaii.gov/health/vital-records/obama.html If such official evidence is not enough for the birthers, than they may have either an ignorance problem or racism is running in their minds.

If citizenship was any different, than the thousands of children born to US soldiers overseas would not have the same rights as their siblings born in US soil. Also, that means the children of US diplomats as well, and the children of US citizens working abroad.

When the founding fathers put the clause of US birth being a requirement for presidency, it was to exclude immigrants from ruling our country. It was for our protection. Now, birthers are taking the letter of the law into an extreme. The birthers are wrong.

Obama on the other hand, is being smart, even if he is not being insulted. Other presidents have made their records public, such as health records. If Obama would show or authorize his birth certificate to be disclosed, that would be the end of the case. His opposition probably would not look bad; but by ignoring his enemies, the President is letting them torching themselves with their own fire. In that case Obama makes since, even as a liberal.

In the name of nationalism and zealous citizenship, birthers are doing a disservice to the United States. For, their actions imply that our President is not legally in office. Of course political rivalry brings dirty tricks, and lots of false propaganda; but, Obama’s citizenship being questioned just identifies who the birthers really are. Research and be honest folks, it saves embarrassment.


Next week: What hypnotism really is, and is not.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Palin---Journalism's -Clever subliminal manipulation.

I'm declaring February a Palin-free month. Join me!

By Dana Milbank
Friday, January 21, 2011

My response:

Granted that Sara Palin in my viewpoint is a fox that crept into the playground, but abstaining from reading or writing about Palin is not the answer. Palin exists like Bush, and Obama, and Bin Laden or any other person whose existence is real.

So, what is the point buy you trying to force the media to ignore Sarah for a month and hope that she will disappear? Even when Clinton and Nixon were in the midst of their scandals, no one proposed silence about anyone. Not even about Monica L., and we were all tired of Bill and Monica in the news.

If your personal saturation with Palin is to the brim, abstaining for your personal benefit is great. It may help your purpose, and then you can start with a fresh perspective. But it is unfair to the audience to do the same.

It is natural and wise to know as much the people that we like, as it is to know about those we dislike. Otherwise, we would be unjust and ignorant. Fro we to comment or vote we need to know about both sides. That is why WikiLeaks and Assange became popular names. Even though WikiLeaks did cause embarrassment to us, we need to know the truth.

So whether we like Sarah Palin or not, we need to know what she is up to, good or bad. For, Plain does influence many people just like any other politician.

It’s True

Digging Mom’s plot,
Found Dad’s skull,
Oh! You are here!
It’s true.
Ah, but, you, you talk!
It’s true.
Ah, but, skulls don’t talk!
It’s true.
Ah, then you are not dead!
It’s true.
I thought you were there!
It’s true.
The stones are misplaced!
It’s true.
Am I talking to you Father?
It’s true.
I sure do not understand this!
It’s true.
I am going through … some phase?
It’s true.
Well, you both will share the same plot!
Thanks, Son.

Kidnapped child finds home.

Solomon’s story 3,000 latter, again bad woman looses. According to both NY Times and ABC News, just like with Solomon, a woman stole a baby and claimed the baby her own. Also, like in the Bible’s story, the truth comes to light. Except this time the bad woman raises the child, and then the child found her way home to her real mom.

The phenomenon of women losing their own children and robbing another woman’s child is scary, especially when there has been cases where nasty women went ad far as ripping the mother open and snatching the baby. Other women are sneakier, like this case where the babe was stolen, and raised under different identity.

Since 3,000 year ago there was no DNA, Solomon use wisdom and the sword. Like in modern times, the nasty woman was just concerned with her goal of having a child. Granted, some people do not qualify to adapt, but there are so many children waiting for a home. Let’s not be phobic about woman in the 20s and early 30s age group without children, and egger to be moms. It is more difficult in some instances, since men are being more cautious, because of child support. Women robbing children, is a very small number.

Perhaps the educational system should start to train children about real identity, and train girls to have children the proper way, and train boys that there is responsibility to raise children. It is a community effort to deter crime, and to avoid the life long scars of children that have been robed from their biological parents.


The Rabbi, and Mullah,
The Preacher, and the Monk,
The Taoist, and Buddhist,
The Pagan, and the Priest.

And, the meeting was great,
No one was late,
All spoke of fate,
Running, for the gate.

Everyone is right,
Everyone in plight,
Then, all started to fight,
For, all wanted the light.

But, God is what it is.
And, Allah’s what it is.
And, Siva’s what it is.
And, Zeus’ what it is.

All in one accord,
Agreed, in one word,
The CREATOR is lord.

By DFF Leonardo 2006

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Retroactive-abortion, is it a crime?

The guy was paid to kill, so he did his job. So what is th problem? This is a Law-Washing.

Certification is just club membertship. The problem is what the guy was doing.
“…he said, the clinic used another doctor as a consultant so it could receive a license to perform abortions in 1979.” Get the other doctor for fraud.

This sounds like a third-world story. Granted, abortion is a hot topic and lots of it is going hiden from the public to cover-up activities, that is nothing new. But, women and children had been dying, and the government/city officals did nothing about it. Could this show that abortion means licent to kill, to preserve ideology.

These were not first trimester babies where the baby is barely complete; or second trimester abortions, where the baby has very little chance of survival; these were late term abortions. Chldren have lived after the fifth month. However, this mob were killing crying babies living on their own.

Even the DA is beig appologetic for enforcing the law. They should get a real district attorney.

All of this really ammounts to hypocracy from the government’s standpoint. So much hyperventilation about women’s rights and child abuse, and then reality comes: It is all about money and ideology.

Money and ideology are more important than women and children, acording to those government officials’ irresponsibilty and neglect, even though at lower level. This has been going on for almost ten years. They knew about it since 1993. Shame on those public officilas. Failure to do their job cust people their lives—accessory to murder.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Israel giving-up East Jerusalem, must be a Russian joke.

The only serious appearance about the Russian president’s help, is the fact that Medvedev was there in person. The rest appears to be over-obvious formality.

First, East Jerusalem is firm on Israel’s hand, and they will never let go—only fools would. Second, the fact that the meeting involved Russina interests on Jordan’s oil, proves that the meeting was not about peace; rather it was about oil—“memorandum”. Third, in the picture, the very posture of Medvedev, appeared not serious. The president is not even at attention like his counterpart.

As a president of a great nation, it is almost guaranteed that Medvedev knows how to address color-guard, especially when pictures are taken—of course he was the guest.
Perhaps there is a subliminal message about all of this. Russia’s over-suggesting may be the very clue hinting that the formal political visit was not about peace.

Republicans replacing Democrats against freedom.

While using the typical euphemism to deceive the public, Republicans are doing precisely what they have been accusing the Democrats of—forcing their will on the citizens. The Republicans forcing the poor to buy insurance is another ploy to help the capitalist sector with more revenue at the expense of the desperate.

Have the republicans ever consider why the poor have no insurance? No, they have note. Rich people have no idea about how it is to be poor. Ironically, the so called social safe-net programs only work for those who have nothing or are good with fraud.

The person who is working and is trying to keep a house, are those who will be ripped by Romnism. Mitt Romney forced MA citizens to buy health insurance. Did all the poor in Massachusetts buy health care. Well, those who already had a tight budget, got it tighter by the Mitt Romney’s concept. Because, the euphemism called incentives means that those who did not have enough to buy health insurance because of the punishment trickery designed into the project.

Those in poverty, already have health insurance from government programs. It is those who try to be off the welfare system that get punished by Romnism. The money that would normally keep the house barely warm and the milk on the table will be going to the banking account of insurance companies. Poor people not in welfare have to choose; otherwise they loose their property-homes to taxes.

If Mitt Romney was serious about helping the people, he would have proposed something in the area of having doctors who get mega federal help in education to return some percentage of the time in the form of free or reduced services to the poor. The same could be done with the pharmaceutical companies with research.

Giving back something back is not a sin or a crime. It is a duty. However, a program like that would not bring more money to the capitalist-vultures. It would not bring up the stock market either. It would just help the citizens—Not a capitalist goal. Unfortunately, Romnism
Is synonymous with Sovietism or forced communism, where the government ruled by forcing the people into whatever pleased the tyrants. Romnism is un-American.

If the GOP is bringing this up knowingly that they can not override the veto, they the Republicans are simply misusing their time and our money to show that they can. We will vote again.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Margie, Michael, and Miguel
Started their stories to tell,
It was all about home stuff
And none thought it rough.

My tree house is great,
My dad built from a crate,
I had lots of fun,
Just like everyone!

A tree house?
Is it for mouse?
Is it for a bird?
Or, am I absurd??

Go on your back yard green!
Use scrap, as you have seen!
We don’t know what y’a mean,
We can only go to the screen.

Do you live in a jail?
Or are you a snail?
I live on a block,
With no tree or rock.

Me too, on a block,
The door we must lock,
We only come to school,
We don’t have pool.

And, equal we all are,
We could really go far,
If we could buy a car.

by DFF Leonardo

Male Bashing? Is Religion Destroying Families?

The family is under attack from all sources, especially from the very sources claiming to be defending the family—religion among other institutions. As an adult, I attended over 21 congregations, in different religions or sects Christian and non-Christian. From the layman’s viewpoint, I am surprised by what I have heard in different congregations, in the media, and in academics.

However, it is not appropriate to mention any particular church or religion among over 4,000 religions. It would be unfair to mention a few churches while other religions or sects would appear to be OK.

Sometimes, I attended different religions simultaneously at different schedules—once this happened for over two years. I was looking for knowledge, and I am continuing to search—knowledge is infinite.

The interesting paradox about religion is that it seems to be doing the feminist’s work by claiming to be building the family while bashing husbands—thus, bashing fathers also. Such bashing, creates contention in the family. In feminism “man’ is removed from society using the euphemism “neutral” or “neutrality” as (political correctness). A nasty source neutralizing men, or fathers, or husbands is Tele-Evangelism. I learned to shot off the radio.

According to Professor (Emeritus) Louise Forsyth, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, at a workshop in feminism at the Federal University of Goias (UFG), in Goiania, Brazil in 2010, “neutrality” and “play of words” is what conveys the message [feminism].

The question is: What is the logic for the family which every Sunday at church or on the radio hears about the husband–thus the father being indirectly pictured as in need of being a better person? Should we expect the mother/wife to view the husband/father any differently? The wife and mother at home relates to her husband—the father of her children, in the same way that she learned in church.

How about the children? What image can the children have of their father when the children hear only negative things about “men” husbands, thus-fathers too?” The children will not think much about their fathers. Thus, will these children have the desire to be fathers when they grow-up? It does not seem logic. The children simple follow the rhetoric they hear in church, in the media, in school, and in films, and from their moms. Children see dad as the dummy, regardless of any good things dad may do, the picture is set by default. Then, if unemployment hits home, the father’s image is absolutely negative.

Here is a classical example: Recently a husband prepared a dish high in protein and vitamins. It was something of his creation. Since the husband and wife have different cultural backgrounds there is a bit of the wife’s resentment about the husband’s cooking, or rather the spices he uses—shelf ingredients. Nevertheless, she enjoys the food when she is not aware of such ingredients. This is a wife who did not know how to prepare eggs for breakfast, when they married.

As the wife arrived home one day, the husband greeted her with “We have a new dish high in protein, vitamins, and fiber, and low in carbs, and no cholesterol.” The wife’s simple response was “Hum.” Sometimes such news is met with “Another invention!” She ate and had seconds on the “Hum” dish. But, one of the children simple said: “No way” without even tasting it. Criticizing dad’s sequence or amount of ingredients is mom’s routine.

Some of this family’s dishes that this good wife brags about are based on the dummy’s creation—the husband’s. It has gotten to the point that any food this husband prepares, is rejected by the children without them tasting it, or seeing, unless mom prepared it first. When dad prepares food, the first question from the children is “What is in it?” The only exception to this antagonism is bread and plane-pizza which is mostly done by the father. Both spouses have university degrees.

A former friend invited me to attend one of his church’s services in central Massachusetts. It was pretty sad. The message implied that men are evil; it repeatedly admonished men while omitting the same from women, as if women were perfect. The subliminal message was that men are the problem at home.

The religiofeminists know that at times in the bible men have been commanded to follow their wives’ counsel, and wives also have been commanded to follow the husband. Thus, biblically, each spouse must listen to the other spouse. But the relegiofeminists want to mold men to be submissive to the wives. To be straw figures, without input at home.

The irony from these pulpit bullies is that feminism excludes God. Yet they are on the feminists’ side. Religionists can not be honest to the scriptures they are teaching from, if simultaneously they take both sides on the same issue.

On one side, they say that God created the family, and a man should preside, provide, and suffer for his wife and even die for her. On the other side they imply that men are no-good. Such teaching is against statistics that show about equal numbers in both genders starting domestic violence.

Male bashing is not an easy topic to discuss. Even scholars may have some catching up to do. A few years ago while taking a journalism course at UMass Amherst, I presented a take where men are just as much victims of domestic violence as women. I was surprised by the reception from my Professor B. J. Roach. ‘’You are going against the grain.” She said.

My bibliography was not sufficient. I had to bring in the books and a magazine in family relations. No other student was required to bring in the evidence to support their articles. Nevertheless, this professor was honest. After she made some of her own research, and after consulting with other professional journalists—according to her, she told me that she learned that “Men are being short-changed”.

At a religious gathering for singles, a mid aged woman told me that women were smarter than men—she cited a religious leader for such knowledge. In another instance, after joining a congregation, my wife at that time, told me that men were “no good” and that God would compensate for women. The women in church had taught her that, she said. That teaching, may have contributed to our divorce. Nevertheless, each person is responsible for his or her deeds.

In the same congregation, after a heavy dose of male bashing in a men’s class, in private, I approached the leader who had taught the class. He was the leader of spiritual leadership management group; thus, someone of more weight. I told him that the problems a home are attributed to both spouses. Instantly he replied “Do you do the dishes? As I started to answer to him that I not only do the dishes, but the laundry too, and cooked when conditions permitted, That spiritual leader walked away without saying a single word.

At another congregation very rich in culture, where most of the regular attendees have Master’s degrees, and some have PhDs, there was a culture shock. In the women’s poster board appeared a monthly poster with a humor section as usual. However, this particular poster stayed up for about two months. These nice women in leadership saw it appropriate in humor to bash men with what they would cry to be offensive if the reverse had been said. The local leaders had to see that poster; for they had to pass by the yellow 8.5 x 11 poster paper in their way to the services.

Once, a newly installed local leader who was new to the congregation, had a meeting with me at my request. During our exchange of information I stated that I had never hit my ex-wife. That leader reacted with high tone voice saying “You better not!” Yet, after I stated that my “ex” had hit me, he disregarded my comment, as if wives beating husbands was tolerable. This leader was a physician by trade.

One of my wife’s friends told my wife that her daughter-in-law brook a foot trying to kick her husband [this woman’s son] as he moved way from her—the wife. Mom advised him to divorce to avoid such routine abuse. After a while, as jobs force people to move, that man by chance ended-up in the same congregation as his “ex.” Soon after his arrival at the new congregation, he was “invited” by that congregation’s leaders to move out of the congregation, because his “ex” was uncomfortable.

There are two other cases of my knowledge where local church leaders “invited” the man to leave the congregation, because the “ex wife.” In two of these cases, children were involved. In all three cases the wife had been the violent party.

These religious leaders did not ask for details, nor show any concern for the children involved. The weekly contact of father and children got weakened. Afterwards, the children only saw their dad two weekends a month. Religion is supposed to care for the children, yet they separate children from their fathers to empower divorced moms. Some of those children abandoned both the religion and their father.

These religious leaders’ audacity is shocking, when they are asked about bias against men. At a church conference, a speaker (non-professional) started his discourse by stating “I will be pulling the brothers’ hears.” His talk was only about how much men should support, and listen to, and love their wives. He did not even put men as parallel to women—by implication men were put down. As usual, he quoted scripture to support his point; but, he quoted only the 1st half of verse 33 in Ephesians 5th chapter.

Afterwards, while I was in the rest-room, the area-leader used the facility too. I took the opportunity of privacy and while the topic was still fresh in our minds, I expressed my hurt to that leader. Even though he acknowledged that during the speech, women had not been reminded of needing to listen to their husbands, he claimed to see nothing wrong with the speech.

One of his replies was unbelievable. As I reminded him that the only reason he supported the discourse was because his wife must not have hit him yet. “I don’t give her, a reason to”, he answered. I was devastated.

A few days later, I learned that I was not alone. Also, after going home, I came across that verse: Ephesians 33: “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the awife see that she breverence her husband.” After checking the church’s website I got the following summary from the chapter relative to the topic: “Husbands and wives should love each other.” In the same page, an interpretation of “reverence” = Courtesy; Respect.”

A few years ago at another place after a church meeting with similar tones of male bashing, a man from the congregation in a soft voice told me “I get it at home, and then I come to church and get more of the same.” I don’t recall seeing that man in church again, even though I attended there for a few more months.

Contrary to the anti-family groups, men do have feelings, and men do cry, and men get low self-esteem, and men get hurt when their wives use verbal violence. Men do get hurt when people for prestige, or for profit, or for self-glory imply that domestic problems are only men’s fault.

The sacredness about the patriarchal title “To lead by example, full of love and sacrifice” becomes as a figure-head stained and mocked. Meanwhile, wives are getting indirectly encouragement to use absolute power, emotional control, and judicial liberty by all segments of society.

Destroying the patriarch’s purpose, is the focus of the feminism movement. The term patriarch is referred to with disdain in academia, especially in literature studies. Therefore, religionists and secularly aggressive groups alike are destroying the very family that they preach of being sacred. So, where is the family? The family is under attack and disintegrating quick. Nevertheless, our children are still better with religion than without it; as it has been reported so.

The good part about my observation is that not all religionists are bias. I know of two cases where influential religious leaders stated that both spouses are responsible for peace at home (Paraphrasing). They also stated that women too, need to improve in being less aggressive.

The local and immediate clergy and pastors and other religious and civic leaders have much progressing to do in preaching equality for both genders. I still attend church, and thus I have a voice; and I can help my children to distinguish between what people teach and what the scriptures really say.

I am not persuading people to leave religion, even though many churches are simply capitalist enterprises, using the name of God as bait. Some of these career preachers have financial goals to meet, and they have comfortable salaries well above their congregation. However, without religion this world would be a real jungle in worse condition.

I attend church because it sets an integrity base for the children and for adults as well, even though, many times I disregard the speakers when they start male-bashing. If a person is dishonest enough to condemn all men without knowing each man’s situation, that speaker looses all his or her credibility. Why listen to biased people, can anyone believe a biased person?

When there is no male-bashing, I enjoy being reminded of what God expects of me; and I even become more alert to things that I had not paid much attention to in the bible. Thus, I grow by attending church. And of course what my children learn about integrity is absolute priceless. But above all, I attend church because I know that God is real, and I know that there is a purpose in living, and I know that at some point in time I have to answer to my Creator.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Religion Litmus Test --- Edited

With a few thousand religions preaching about God, could they all be true? Could no religion be true? Or, could some, or at lest one religion be true. At lest we know that not all religions are true’ for they contradict themselves. That leaves us with the possibility of them all being false; or some, or at lest one religion being true. However, we must remember that normally each church preaches some truths; including churches based as enterprises. The aspect of true or false is based on the concept of God’s purpose that each person has the opportunity to return to him.

The scope is wide. When we try to look into religion, we see that it would be impossible to focus on all religions at this level. From the 15 main religions and predominant churches in the West, we are mentioning only three here: Christianity, Jewish, and Muslim; not focusing on the sects that run into the hundreds. Therefore this article is general, except in the predominant area of Christianity; for, most of this audience is Christian.

There are possible obstacles. Your scriptural knowledge is your map to navigate among the thousands of religions. Also, you need to be aware of the possibility of being fooled, because: Some professional spiritual leaders are 100% fraud. Some religions are offshoots of other religions, thus they carry many parallels with their origins. Some religionists use scripture to terrorize people. The task is not easy, but anyone can do it, and it takes more than a few months, unless you get Godly revelation about your inquiry.

It is easy to over react. Be careful with spiritual experiences, or revelation. A revelation is something personal; and it may fool you. According to scripture, not all spiritual experiences are from God. Poets and others also claim having spiritual experiences. So, it is a good idea to keep a journal to review your progress. Remember that the prophets had specific instructions from God. And Moses did not take the Angles’ word lightly. He reasoned with God.

Also, at times there were false prophesying according to the bible, and Jesus said that more false prophets would come. So don’t think that because you may get a spiritual experience that you are prophet. Many people have hear voices and have dreams and see the supernatural, however that does not give them the authority from God to claim prophetship.

Danger in expectation. There is another danger in asking God for something and expecting the answer to come to you according to your plan. Balaam had his greatest spiritual experience in the most unexpected way. When Jesus appeared to his apostles after his resurrection, it was not buy appointment, it was when they did not even expect Him.

God wilt not guide you or anyone against the scriptures. Even tough times have changed God is still the same, it is people that wish God to be different, to suit their needs. The key to your progress in knowing if your religion is true or false, is based on your understanding of knowledge from your Bible, Koran, or Torah, or all of them.

Confusion can cause drags and detours. Some areas cause confusion because of similarities in churches such as the Catholic Church and its offshoots. The difference among some of these religions or churches is very small, because their rituals and believes are identical. In the protestant religion the same is true. The Muslim and the Jewish religions also have offshoots from their main believes.

The numbers are obscure. We hear of Muslim Shiites and Sunnis, but there are more than a dozen more Muslims sects. Likewise the same is true of the Jewish religion with its Orthodox and liberal ideologies with at least 10 different groups. Mormons too have Dozens of offshoots based from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

You need to have an organized plan. You need full access to your source book and write notes on it, and underline or highlight it as you need to, for reference. The book is not sacred, rather it is the information contained on the book that is sacred. Afterwards, analyze why you participate in your religion. Remember that your focus is your spiritual salvation.

If you have a social cause for church going, such as to make friends and to form a habit, any entertaining church will do. However, there are repercussions with such entertaining churches; because, in entertaining churches, the focus is not God or your life after death.

The drawback. Such social churches are just like trivial clubs, in the name of God. The friends you make in a smooth congregation are not focused in the spiritual search for truth and integrity. That is why we see so much crime from false religious leaders. In other words, social churches do not have a priority of guiding you to find your way to your Heavenly Father.

On the other hand, if your purpose to attend your religious services, is because you believe in the Creator, or you are concerned with your eternity, than you need to take your research seriously, and be ready to change. Otherwise you will never find your inner peace. The key is wanting to change, or repenting from worldly habits and traditions.
• Matthew 16:24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Some steps. Based on the scriptures, you may want to make a list of what you expected God to be like, and what would God want you to learn to return to him. There has to be preparation and a process; otherwise, God would be a hypocrite. Afterwards, you can evaluate the church that you attend, and see if your church is focusing on your eternal salvation. If the focus in that church is in anything else other than God and your eternal salvation, that church is off the mark; its time to search in another church.

Also, schedule a personal daily reading of your religious source—avoid the modern versions, because the more rewriting of any old record, the worse it gets. For Christians, the source would be the bible; starting at the Old Testament and going forward into the New Testament.

It can be a bit of a challenge. At the beginning of your scriptural reading, it seems a bit confused because you are reading from the perspective of other cultures of long ago, and under different conditions than we have today. After a while it all starts to make sense to you.

Do as the prophets did. Talk to your Heavenly Father and ask Him about what is in your heart, and be ready to listen to the arriving thoughts. After a bit of trial and error, you will recognize your feelings, and you will be able to identify if it is inspiration or temptation.

Be aware. Remember that the Devil can use the scriptures to tempt people as he tempted Jesus, according to Mathew 4: 5-6

“5a Then the devil taketh him up into the bholy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
6aAnd saith unto him, bIf thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.”

If what you hear is inspiration, the feeling is in parallel to the holly book, for you to live, and to help others, and to be kind, and be in control of your destiny, and have peace and self control. In temptation the feeling or thought can be anything and it is accompanied by an emptiness feeling, rather than pleasant, and it is without God’s qualities.

Change and perimeters. Be ready to make changes in your life. Each change you make is a steppingstone into your next phase. If you read the scriptures you will see God’s personality as being full of forgiveness and love, waiting for His children to repent, and learn how to return to Him. Remember, violence, illegal behavior, self hurting, or self destruction is not of God.

Look for clues in mundane and spiritual activities in the church that you attend. If you read the bible you will notice that professional preaching is not of God:

Mathew 10:8
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give."

Jesus here is talking to His apostles. It is obvious that the only thing that the apostles received freely and can freely give, is knowledge and understanding about eternal life and how to get there to the Father. Such knowledge and the preparation for eternal life is what preachers, pastors, priests, and every other spiritual leader is supposed to do for each person in his congregation without money. Salvation is free.

Nevertheless spiritual leaders are human, thus they need food and clothes and have other needs. Such need is no excuse for salaries and luxury as many live on. For humble living, Jesus said:

Luke 22:35
“… When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.” Therefore spiritual leaders ought not to live off their congregations.
The Obvious clue: Some churches charge for services such as baptisms, marriages, and funerals. Their religious leaders say it is free; but, they also say you can make an offering. They are selling the work of God by using euphemism. Some churches use the hat or basked during the service to have you give them your money. Tithing is differently, it is a commandment from the scriptures.
I attended a church that collected tithing; and also, had at least two collections during the services; sometimes three collections. “For different charities,” they said. I know of people who were told that their church would not participate in their relative’s funeral because the dead person had not paid tithing. Ironically, the same church preached that each person at his or her funeral needs such services for salvation.
The rose-garden clue: It happens when the preacher only teaches pleasant things—what the congregation wants to hear. That is an obvious hint that the preacher is protecting his or her job. Some preachers have been fired for preaching against the congregation’s desires. The spiritual leader’s job is to help people to help themselves in finding their way to God.

The classism clue: Some churches want to keep the audience in ignorance by teaching the congregation not to read the source—the bible; the congregation “would not understand to evaluate the bible”, they leaders said. A friend of mine a few years ago was escorted out a cathedral in NY in New York City because he did not have appropriate attire. He did not have a jacket on. He told me.

Political clue: When spiritual leaders get involved from the pulpit, in persuading people to vote for certain candidates or political parties.

Hate clue: It is when a church directly or indirectly instigates hate or violence. Pulpit-hate, is common, especially against other churches. It is used as protection to retain membership, thus retaining employment insurance.

From basic clues, you may have enough evidence to evaluate your religion, and determine if it is actually true or false. One essential part of your investigative work is to check the origin of your church. A church’s history will give you clues on how that church started, and why, how it evolved. Also, you can compare the doctrines being taught in comparison with the scriptures. Make a list of your findings, compare them with the scriptures, and see how that church functions based on the focus of God and your salvation.

Look for omission, and also look for additions that are not related to scripture. Learn how the decisions are made. Be aware of decisions made to sustain that church or its leaders rather than supporting the cause of God and the salvation of your soul. After all, remember that Jesus teaching was based on quality in the source choices. And if a church is not focused in on guiding the congregation to find God, then that church is not helping you or its members. If the source is not good the outcome cannot be good.
Luke 6:44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
Before you decide on any church, study it in your mind and ask for the Creator’s guidance.
If you decide in not deciding on anything, you have given yourself understand to be a better person, thus having better self control, and feel more confident of where you are, and where you are going.