A moment

A moment
"I think, therefore I am"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whose Fault? WikiLeaks, Manning, or the Recuiter?

Seed Newsvine

Toronto Sun
By Peter Worthington ,QMI Agency
Worthington: Wikileaks no threat
As 2011 draws to a close, the issue of WikiLeaks disclosures remains to be resolved — a breach of trust to some, the right to know to others.



If WikiLeaks becomes shut, then the world governments will feel free to oppress humanity. Regardless of price, appears that the US Justice Department wants to save face. Also,
if they can get Assange into the US, they can instill fear on anyone who dares to think about spilling a US secret, while at the same time encourage freedom of the internet for others. Up to an extant the government appears to be correct. But the abuse of classifying everything as secret, keeps the public in the dark.

Assange didnot take an oath not did he serve in the US armed forces. If the US will prosecute Assange, they will be able to psychological cause fear on any foreign for doing anything that
might be deeming bad for the US, regardless of intent. While it is good for the US, it is bad for
freedom of speech.

It is little by little that freedom becomes extinct. As it is, we can’t talk freely inside an airport; we can’t mention bombs or weapons, or hijacking. If the newspaper says that, we can only read it silently. How much more freedom will governments take form their citizens?

Instead of using Israelis’ methods of terrorism control, the TSA has an iron fist in the
land of free, causing people to have the dilemma of being physically handle by TSA
thugs, or being bombarded with x-rays. They get our naked description for the perverts to laugh at, as it has been done.

Compared with Israel, we are going backward on freedom. If extremists hate any country, they hate Israel much more than the USA. Yet Israel uses civilized methods of controlling terrorist without taking people’s rights away. So, why aren’t we being civilized? Because we have been voting for idiots instead of honest politicians—there must be some honest politicians who can be people friendly.

The US has the capability of doing better. Punish those who take oaths, those who did not do their job. But, to punish those who advocate freedom is destroying the core of freedom.

For Manning to bring abuses into light was heroic, for even under the Genevea convention those with knowledge are responsible to report; but disclosing things unrelated to abuse, was betrayal to the oath he took, and he was doing the opposite of what he was getting paid for; to do his job, he cheated by releasing info unrelated to abuse.

But since Manning did volunteer for the army, seems that the recruiter might have done
his quarters. Manning might have been a victim of recruiting, where the victim is only told enough to sign in the line and commit. It is not uncommon for people enlisting in the military, and then find that they got sucked into a vacuum.

Perhaps the military should show more to recruits, instead of using psychology to get people
committed into something they regret when they see reality. But, with a nasty economy, and hunger versus being a soldier, what is there to choose, but believing an hiring professional trained to manipulate those anxious for stability.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hillary Clinton deserves the Hypocrite of the year award.

Seed Newsvine

By Shane Richmond Internet Last updated: January 21st, 2010
The Telegrapah UK
Free the internet, says Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has called for greater freedom of speech online and said that internet companies, such as Google, should refuse to support "politically-motivated censorship".


The ink is not dry yet about the condemnation that Hillary Clinton and the US Government made about Julian Assange. So, how can Hillary claim the internet deserves more free speech, when she is behind the iron fist of the Justice Department to get Assange in the US by any means possible to silence him; because Assange believes on freedom of speech.

Some US legislators even called for Assange to be classified as terrorist, others called for his assassination—Where is freedom than?

Hillary, cannot have her cake and eat it too (sorry for the cliché-but so appropriate). Either Clinton is lying again, as Rush Limbaugh so much has stated—if I remember correct; or she defines her own truth, like Bill did in Monicas’ Fiasco.

However, there is a possibility that Hillary Clinton is being honest by demanding freedom on the internet, as long as such freedoms are against other governments only; thus excluding the USA. If she is being honest, than why hasn’t Hillary Clinton called for the US Justice Department to drop the investigation and possible charges against Assange and WikiLeaks, and Twitter subpoenas of accounts?

The Chinese, the Russians, North korea and the Iranians must be taking our Secretary of State as a clown in an decaying circus.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thanks to Forbes and Halah Touryalai

Seed Newsvine

My sincere thanks to Halah Touryalai and to Forbes Staff, for considering and understanding my feelings about Halah’s article on the crooks caught by SEC in a Ponzi scheme. They used the Mormon faithful as victims; thus, they were church members too. I am pleased that Halah understands that two people is different than a religion. My readership of Forbes and Halah’s articles continue; for, they do consider readers’ input. (This will be in my blog too.)

Anti-Mormon Insults, or Cheap Journalism.

Seed Newsvine

From Forbes
Father, Son Used Mormon Faith To Lure Investors In $220M Ponzi Scheme, SEC Says



It is a shame that the Forbes editors and Halah Touryalai as well as Google are showing their true colors in cheap writing by implying bigotry or anti-Mormon sentiment.

My E-mail headline notice is: “Mormons Duped Investors Out Of $220 Million In Ponzi Scheme, SEC Says.” My first reaction was: I never duped anyone, why am I being falsely accused? Thinking back about Madoffs’ (perhaps father and sons) news, never did I read anything like “Jew or Jews duped investor out of billions.” Because religion is a sensitive issue, and accusing all Jews of one person’s crime would definitely get lots of journalists and editors fired; and it would be rightly done.

However, the same justice was not done by Forbes, nor Halah Touryalai, even less by the Google editors who send E-mail notices.

Halah Touryalai’s headline: “Two members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are being charged by the SEC with securities fraud.” Halah is smarter the writing the same headline and replacing the words Mormons by Jews – in Madoff’s case. What the headline is showing is simply anti-Mormon feelings. In all the news, I never noticed the word synagogue or Jewish, associated with Madoff. Likewise, I expect the same professionalism when the issue involves my religion.

Crooks are everywhere, Jesus’ twelve apostles had one crook among them, and He knew it. Crooks have not respect for religion, political party or ethnic background; why than bring religion into the news when the problem was money. I would see it appropriate to even mention religion to show the extent of the fraudulent people; but including a blanket over a religion is unacceptable.

I, being a convert to the LDS church, thus nicknamed “Mormon”, demand an apology from each of the culprits in this insult. For, as stated above, I never duped anyone, nor do I deal dishonestly with anyone. Shame on Forbes, and on Halah, and on Google.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Iran's curse, disguised as a blessing

Seed Newsvine

Bloomburg Businesweek
Iran Shows Downed Spy Drone as U.S. Assesses Technology Loss


My take
Appears that Iran is doing pretty good on getting high technology; but these catches could cost them a bit more than they bargained for.

Lately a drone from Israel was missing or capture in Hezbollah territory, now the American cream from the pie drone RQ-170 appears to have fallen onto their hands. Well, now they can entice the Russians and the Chinese to protect them even more in the UN in exchange for a few pictures or dis-engineering the secret of secrets from US.

Well, if they have raw technology at the beginning of a war their chance to damage US interests or Israel is less than if the war will happen after they have the stealth knowledge.

So, seems like Iran might have won a battle, but such battle may lead them to lose the war by getting attacked sooner rather than late.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homosexuality and Choice

Seed Newsvine

U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say
GENEVA — The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that the United States would use all the tools of American diplomacy, including the potent enticement of foreign aid, to promote gay rights around the world.

My Take

If the USA and the world are following Hillary and Obama II, we are in for big trouble in everything. Either Obama II, and Hillary Clinton are lying or they need to look at research. Behavior is a choice not genetic according to Dr. Carolyn Anderson in April 7, 2010 titled Lowering Your Stress Could Help Control Your Genes
“Outdated Thoughts on Genetics”

“Although much more scientific work needs to be done it seems that lifestyle changes and decreasing levels of stress can favorably impact the expression of your genetic makeup.”

Just log into the following and find out for yourself.

homosexuality, genes

Monday, December 5, 2011

About Time

Seed Newsvine

U.N. Envoy: U.S. Isn't Protecting Occupy Protesters' Rights

MY Take

About time the international community is finally keeping an eye on the civil rights abuse by our own American police. It is a shame, and I sated so on both uffingtonpost.com and my own blog http://thelionscribe.blogspot.com USA - A House Divided Against Itself.

However, we are being seen by the big media as extremists. First because the big media is owned by the filthy rich. Second, because the OWS hits the core of the evil of capitalism. It exposes the crimes they have been making in the home foreclosures, to say the least.

If the protests were against Russia or Cuba, nothing would have been done other then perhaps some persuasion. Just like the capitalists brought down America by taking our jobs away overseas, now they are finishing the little bit of what was left the First Amendment.

They stated, and as I have stated before, were are deceiving the world when our cops are harassing and brutalizing our peaceful citizens.

Of course what is showing is that we Americans area a group of cowards when comparing to the Egyptians and the Libyans and the Syrians who were brutalized in the same manner and killed in their search for freedom.

Appears that soon or latter, we too will be killed by our own police if they fail in their use of their monetary chains in taming us, the American Joe and Sue. The guy from the WikiLeaks truck most likely had to pay a hefty sum, and the people who lost their property by either the police stealing it or destroying it, will never get reimbursed. I have been there with towed vehicles. It is like a MAFIA working hand and hand with the police departments.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seed Newsvine

CNN Money

By Walter Updegrave @CNNMoney December 2, 2011: 3:16 PM ET
Talk money with your spouse -- and keep the peace


My take

The problem is:
What are you going to do when your wife starts to shout each time you suggest a plan. As long as she has her way, there is peace at home.

Oh, and please, never go on her wallet; because, you may find her secret credit cards; that will just show you her deceitful-partnership is in the marriage. Also, don’t try to have a budget, because what you will propose, if it puts any restriction on her spending, your wife will accuse you of tyranny, even when your spending is controlled by her.

Common, when you ask for her to sit and make a plan, she simply says, “We don’t make enough to have budget.” This is Feminism at its best. If you go to court, she will accuse of bossing her and being a tyrant; simple because you wanted to have a say in the house. And in any American court a women’s lie against her husband is sacred.

Forget about church’s help, the religious crowd will chastise you for being a tyrant, because you dared to make suggestions that your wife objected. They will not say it in simple language, they will just say ‘You two need to communicate better”. They will give you examples of happiness in the family when a husband listens (submits) to the wife). They even will give you examples of how wrong they learned they were, when their wives told them so.

Bu they will never mention a wife’s fallacy, or if they do is about common irrelevant situations. Nor do they encourage the wife to also listen to the husband. They will just tell the husband to list more to the wife.

Bottom line, if your wife “Was born to shop”, it does not matter; you are doomed. Just roll with the punches, turn the blind eye, and just exist. Hint, don’t bother looking at other women, for at that point, they all look pretty; and you get tempted, and then your wife will finally have something truthful to accuse of you of; afterwards, you are a no-good creature.

Just pray and be happy, or at least try to pretend to be happy in front of your children. Other men normally will deny it, but a few will open-up and tell you how Hell feels like, after a men failed to have a plan in choosing a wife. Whatever you do, be aware, the children are simply victims, even when they see their father as an encumbrance on their mother. Maternal brainwash is the worst form or terrorism.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why Are So Many Women Liars and Cheats?

Seed Newsvine

Liars and Cheats

Why are most women such liars and cheats?
Walking over men, on high-ells, stilts and cleats.
Laughing but, then pretending they go to church,
To be praised at were hard core feminists lurch.

But, not each is actually a sneaky liar and cheat
And, their husbands see you as a bum from the street.
Some are actually nice, but then you pay the price
Their hubbies expect you to treat your tyrant very nice.

It is a mockery of what a marriage actually should be
The bible teaches, to both equality, it’s for all to see.
It is the price you pay, for seeing that tight blouse sway
It was for a reason, you should have looked the other way.

A liar and a cheat in disguise, got you to say “I do”.
Next time you better check if she is real and true.
After your commitment she is your ever torment
Stepping on you, while pretending to be eloquent.

Next time, you peek, and choose one who is actually meek.
And it is in meekness that you too should always seek.
If she is meek, you have gotten a pearl--very rare
She is the one you should keep, and for you to bear.

Liars and cheats, many they are and taking advantage
The more you are humble the more you need courage.
So, if yours is nice and true, do for her all in your reach.
Love her, and love her, as the prophets did teach.

DFF Leonardo, November 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

USA - A House Divided Against Itself

Seed Newsvine

Occupy Wall Street Wikileaks Truck Confiscated, Possibly Lost By NYPD



Normally movies are made from fiction, now the OWS is the reality that appears as fiction.

We are helping the Libyans, and everyone who wants freedom, to be free, while repression is right in our own kitchen; NY City of all places—in the city where United Nations headquarters is.

With what face can Hillary Clinton tell the Chinese or the Iranians or the Koreans to give their people the right to free speech, when Hillary Clinton’s home state is harassing peaceful protesters? Demonstrators have more respect-proportionally in Egypt than in the USA.

Jesus Said over 2,000 years ago that “A house dived against itself will not stand.” However, in space age, in the most sophisticated country in the world, the government has not given heed, to that so true phrase.

Our government is making a mockery of the American fundamental right –freedom of speech—the right to assemble. Without the first Amendment there in no USA. Freedom of Speech is what makes America the most desired country on the Earth.

However, the simultaneous crackdown on OW seems to be a national coordinated effort to destroy the 1st Amendment, because it threatens the evilness in capitalism.
Worse, yet: If the NYPD has no idea where their confiscated material is, then it starts to sound like in dictatorship countries where the secrete police causes things to disappear and nobody can retrieve anything.

We had a cold war, with the Soviet Union, but now we are adapting their strategies. Unless we get to the voting both with a firm decision to get every-crook out, and replace them with a new batch who might want to respect our sacred constitution, we may as well claim the status of third Rome.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Kennedy Assassination Fiasco

Seed Newsvine


Revisiting the Kennedy Assassination: Frank Rich and the Paranoid Style
By James Piereson
It has now been 48 years since President John F. Kennedy was cut down on the streets of Dallas by rifle shots fired by Lee Harvey Oswald,



It is beautifully written about the logic surrounding Kennedy’s assignation. And of course, would any investigation focus on anything but logic? That would be absurd; logic rules. Now for the other side: If the assassination was a professional conspiracy, would it appear anything but logic?

We all have heard of ghost stories, about Lincoln patrolling the halls of the white house. I have never seen ghosts, but the bible tells us that spirits do come from the dead at times.

About fifteen years after JFK’s episode, I was with a group of non-ignorant people lead by spiritualists. As we meditated, one person said to have seen the face of John Kennedy. Then the following was said by the person leading the meditation. She was not involved with money in areas dealing with spiritualism.

Mrs. Andrews words: “Soon after the assassination, we were in a regular meeting were spirits gave messages (typical in spiritualism religion), and one came crying saying, ‘I did not do it’. After came another stating that he and Oswald were friends, and he had not killed him, the second identified himself as JFK.

The mediums asked, who did it then? “They did it (CIA), because I backed off from the Bay of Pigs and a lot of anti-Castro people died. It was done from the inside.”

Though, I do not practice spiritualism, neither was ever a member, I do believe Mrs. Andrews’ words. For, it profited her nothing to say anything like that. And she was very serious about facts.

On the other hand, if we get news-clips about people who have spoken about the investigation, and had facts that could challenge the final opinion; we can also learn what mysteriously has happened to them; then we tend to say that what Mrs. Andrews stated is real.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Seems that the DA condones steeling, by prosecuting the father.

DA: Statute of limitations prevents charges in judge's beating of daughter
Aransas County District Attorney Patrick Flanigan sent a letter to Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe Thursday evening, informing him of his decision on prosecution.

My Take

If she was steeling, the judge should have turned her to prosecution, and have the law deal with her. Have her in jail where she would be more civilized.

Now, the daughter appears to have known her father, and decided to set him up for blackmail--typical woman. What are the statutes of limitations for theft?
So, if the law or society punishes the judge, that will be a blank check for other teenagers who steel and terrorize society.

Most likely the feminist movement including religionists, will justify that steeling is OK, by fighting the father, who tried to prevent his daughter from becoming a bum. If they prosecute this father, the law is now saying that it is OK to steel if you live with you father.

Cunning at its peak, well,” if I can’t have my toys the way I demand, I will make you miserable”. That attitude is normally from divorced women, seems like that cat graduated ahead of her class.

Friday, October 21, 2011

That is right, let’s sell America.


Foreigners' Sweetener: Buy House, Get a Visa

The reeling housing market has come to this: To shore it up, two Senators are preparing to introduce a bipartisan bill Thursday that would give residence visas to foreigners who spend at least $500,000 to buy houses in the U.S.


My Take

The capitalists created the mess “Take the vacation you deserve, you have plenty of equity on you house”, and “Remodel, you deserve it”. That was what rocketed the real estate prices right out of affordability, and pushed people to borrow what they could not pay for.

But, that is not enough for the 1%, now they put the US citizen competing with foreigners to buy a home. Now, they want to keep the houses off the reach of the average American. They feel it is more prudent to destroy a house than to keep people with a roof over their heads.

So, they are bulldozing houses to keep the prices high. Where are lawmakers? Oops, they work hand and hand politician and the 1%; they are the 1%.

Supply and demand again created artificially to keep Americans without houses, and paying rent to Foreigners'. Other nations keeping the American dream far from our citizens, is that treason? Is there any other way to create another level of slaves?

Go OWS go. Let’s vote them 1% off of office, and let’s vote for real people. Remember Obama II is in the 1%, and so is Romney.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bad mouthing the LDS Church to get at Romney

Romney’s Mormon Problem
Mitt Romney and the weird and sinister beliefs of Mormonism.
By Christopher Hitchens|Posted Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, at 11:05 AM ET

My Take

Everybody has the right to quote anybody else and appear educated to those who don’t know anything either. It appears even more sophisticated to blend a little bit of truth with lots of distortions to appear more realistic. But, takes courage and it takes ethics in learning about something before writing about it.

I have investigated the LDS church in parallel to the bible; thus, I found, the LDS church does follow the bible. Also, I have read much anti-Mormon literature by former LDS members that I noticed it to be false.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints follows the bible. Everything the LDS church practices can be found in the bible, if anyone wants to check both. However, it appears that Christopher Hitchens has not done his homework on either.

If Hitchens dislikes Romney, that is fine, I dislike Mitt too. We are both on the same side on that issue. However, badmouthing the LDS church to get at Romney is childish, it is immature, and proves the lack of intellect needed to be believed by any reasonable person regardless of religion or being a non-believer.

Just one example of distortion is the fact of membership, and opting out. To leave the LDS church, all it takes is for the person who chooses to leave, to write to, or visit the local clerk and state that he or she wants their name removed. Those who were friends still keep their friendships. That is something I know firsthand.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

An unapologetic Pastor Robert Jeffress

Seed Newsvine


(Reuters) - An unapologetic Pastor Robert Jeffress, who created a stir for calling Mormonism a "cult" at a political gathering, told hundreds of congregants at his Texas megachurch on Sunday that he welcomed the opportunity he's had to warn people about a "false religion."

My Take

It is bizarre for people with education to behave ignorantly. For, as it is, a statement without any evidence shows Jeffress lack of knowledge about both the LDS Church and about the Bible. Anytime anyone makes a statement, that individual must present evidence. That is the way the academia functions.

For Pastor Jeffress to make an accusation that a religion especially the LDS church to be false, Jeffers if he had any intellectual qualities, would take the bible and compare it with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, to make such a comparison Jeffress, would need to know about he LDS church as well.

As it is appears Jeffress knows nothing about the LDS church, unless of course his knowledge if from ex-LDS people who left because they could not get power, and they could not change themselves to follow the bible.

Sorry, Mr. Jefffress, your lack of academic qualities has exposed your true-self—simple uniformed and full of hate. Please correct me if am wrong. I have read the bible for 33 years, and also I have studied The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The LDS church follows every bit of the bible, so the LDS appears to be the true religion; if we are considering which church is true of false.

Does Jeffress church follows the entire bible or is it just following the convenient parts of the bible? Appears that Mr. Jeffress comments have answered the question. For, how is Pastor Jeffress living? Is he working for a living, and preaching by sacrifice, without as salary from the congregation, like the LDS preachers—lay people? Or is Jeffress getting a salary to preach? Like every church I know except for the LDS church; though there may be some churches who preach of the love of God, for there are over five thousand religions.

If Mr. Jeffresss is getting paid to preach, or if he preaches for profit, than is statements about the LDS are just a form of job security; and the religion he preaches is not true; for in the new testament it says ’’That which you freely get, freely give” preaching is not for profit. Jeffress is simply doing what has been done for centuries.

However, if Pastor Jeffers has any sense of integrity, he must show the evident that he alludes to, about the LDS. Otherwise Pastor Jeffress’s credentials both as a pastor and as leader are as worthy as much as his statements—without merit.

Killing A US Citizen, where is the Geneva Convention

From NT Times

Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration’s secret legal memorandum that opened the door to the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born radical Muslim cleric hiding in Yemen, found that it would be lawful only if it were not feasible to take him alive, according to people who have read the document.


My Take
Where are the hypocrite democrats? They accused Bush of being trigger-happy with Iraq, and they even sided with private Bradley. Now, their man—Obama II, is a making Bush to appear like an amateur. In less than six months Obama II, has overwritten the Geneva convention by assassinating unarmed men. This is what they could not hide-how about behind the scenes? The SEALS will tell it to their buddies in about a decade, as they normally do.

Granted that both Bin Laden and Awlaki were at war with the US, but were they armed when we killed them? Bin Laden was not, and no one is alive to tell us about the US Citizen. Is the US not a signatory of the Geneva Convention?

Killing Bin Laden and dumping his body at sea saved lots of aggravation, Killing Awlaki probably saved aggravation too; but it is un-American to kill people who could have been tried and sentenced to death--by justice.

Can we in all honesty call upon the Geneva Conventions when the shoe is on the other foot? When China copies our deeds, can we tell them that they are not civilized, and that they are not respecting the law? Sorry, both the CIA and Obama II have created a very bad situation for our soldiers when the will become POWs, it will happen. Where is the liberal cry?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Answers to some comments about homosexuality and religion

Seed Newsvine

Try to see the movie--original “The Exorcist”. It is based on true a story in Connecticut about 4 decades ago. I met an Army officer, the son of the doctor who examined the girl—as the movie was based on--not a boy. Perhaps, you can see another extreme of reality.

I too have knowledge of spiritual life. The girl in CT, could at times when possessed, speak ancient languages, and she tossed a bunch of doctors as if they were dolls. Yea! You explain that with all the sophisticated technology, if you think that life is just the stage of mortality.

Logic is more than convenience. I see, that you too see much fakeness in religion, that is why I said true religion. I too, once thought similarly as you do think. On my blog I have better description of religion.

There are thousands of religions. Many religions--especially Christian based, have all the symptoms of well developed enterprises. Many other religions appear to focus on convenience. True religion refers to those religions whose leaders and laypeople sincerely try to follow God and their scriptures, to be better people and to love others with the spirit of freedom, regardless of denomination.

Homosexual and Religious Bigotry and Irony.


Why Are Religious Conservatives So Scared of Gay Sex?

September 29, 2011

Anti-gay bigotry is just one piece of a larger picture of conservative fear and loathing of all forms of sexuality.

My Take

Of course the extreme right wing are a bunch of enforcers, just as extreme are the homosexual community. It is appalling to hear both claiming victim. The homosexual community crying while trying to destroy other people’s believes, and raising the flag of fear, homophobic, and bigotry, and orientation; and then forcing their views on everybody-else. Likewise, the right wing mixes sacred things with conveniences, such as flesh-glut. The homosexual community does likewise, mixing uncontrolled desires with good choices such as vegetarianism.

What is being very obvious is the way that both extremist groups try to defend their turf without being civilized enough to respect their opponents. The right wing loses its credibility as soon as it mocks vegetarianism, the liberals lose their credibility when they disdain true-religion, and other peoples’ sacred believes. Both groups are mockers and short-sited about the truth.

Ironically, the homosexual community is much better at following the bible in the area of choice and vegetarianism than the conservatives. The conservatives appear to follow the bible only on the sacredness of marriage. Perhaps both groups can contribute honestly to our society by being less forceful.

The Old Testament shows us that sex is sacred, to be used for a special purpose; likewise, God has set bonds on the usage of sex; but, God’s has set limits, such limits are not convenient to the homosexual community. Also in the Old Testament, God shows His abhor to the usage of meat under normal circumstances, but that is not convenient to the far-right either.

When people decide to like something it turns into a habit, and then that habit becomes part of that person’s personality. The situation then keeps on snowballing into a status, into a culture; unless less people decide to stop and see if their behavior is in accord with God’s desire or commandments.

Of course, by pretending that God does not exist provides some cover, even though false cover. It is as bad as using only parts of the bible in trying to justify behavior, which both the homosexual community and the far-right community are experts at. Both groups are missing the mark. Life does continue after the body, and eternity must be the goal—as Jesus said.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pakistan turns to China as ties with U.S. suffer
(Reuters) - Pakistan, facing a crisis in relations with the United States, appears to be seeking more support from powerful ally China.

That is good news.

Them ungrateful pack need to learn a lesson. When Pakistan becomes an extension of Tibet, Afghanistan will have peace, and all the lawless trigger happy country-folks will kindly follow Chinese indoctrination; just like in Tibet. The world needs that.

Everybody will be happy, and China grows.

Let’s look at the positive side. Their illogical and ego centered attitude will save us billions of taxpayer dollars that can help our economy.

All that we have to do is help India in being strong.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Inside the Wall Street Protests: An Eyewitness Account of Police Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators
Protesters from the week-old "occupation" in New York's financial district were arrested, penned up, and Maced on Saturday when the NYPD showed up to their march.


My Take

Episodes like the one shown in the very city where the UN is seated, is what cause people like the Haqqanis, and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, and so may others, to see the USA as hypocrites. New York City does not represent the USA, but in the eyes of the outsiders, NYC is the USA. Shame on the NYC cops.

Of course anyone who listens to the radio in NY City can understand the NY cops are a bunch of trigger happy freaks.

When I worked in NY City, a little over a decade ago, there the news once reported about NY city cops killing an African immigrant who did not speak English, who tried to use his cell phone and the cops shored him with gunfire, because he did not understand FREEZE! In another instance, a known mentally hill Jew who pulled a hammer to the cops, got the same fate. The cops chose not to mace him. This poor guy was so hill that he was running naked, he had no weapons hiding—he had no clothes on.

However. our courts sided with the cops “They thought their lives were in danger”. What about this peaceful demonstration. The cops here appeared more sophisticated, they gas the people--peaceful demonstrators.

Where are Hillary Clinton and Barac Hussein Obama II, with their big mouths accusing everybody else of oppression? Only the Syrians, the Chineese, the Iranians, anybody else are oppressionists, yah! Right! This happened in Clinton’s backyard. She is only a few dozen miles from New York City. Worse yet, where are the all American-media, they barely mentioned it?

The problem appears to obvious; the filthy rich must not be exposed, by any price. Most likely if the same had happened in protest about anything else, the protesters would be welcomed as a symbol of American Freedom. Now we see, American freedom ends where exposing the rich starts.

Do our soldiers have access to this oppression in NY City? If ours soldiers see this will they have high moral and dedication needed to be willing to die for freedom?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dog Biting Trainer

Seed Newsvine

An interest story, we deliver them from the Soviets, now they turna gainst us.

The following is NOT MY WRITING

Daily Times

Haqqani network, a US offshoot
Special Correspondent

LAHORE: The much-drummed ‘Haqqani network’ that has put the state of Pakistan in hot waters, like many other ‘freedom fighter’ groups of Afghanistan, had close links with the US supreme intelligence agency, CIA.

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the network was like Hikmatyar group, that developed links with the ‘outsiders’ to get support for establishing their military writ against the USSR, and CIA was the major financer of its activities in Afghanistan and its confidence level with the Americans raised to such a level that its head Maulvi Haqqani is thought to have even visited the White House to enjoy the hospitality of Ronald Reagan. The American military and civil leadership today blaming Pakistan government and country’s top intelligence organisation, ISI, for patronising, sharing and co-operating with the once blue-eyed of US guys is considered to be the most fatal group for US and NATO forces ‘fighting’ in Afghanistan.

The US military commanders believe that the “group is one of Afghanistan’s most experienced and sophisticated insurgent organisations” and “one of the biggest threats to NATO and United States forces...” Here is the brief introduction and history of its activities. The report is based on information gathered from different sources.

“The group is still believed to be led by Maulavi Jalaluddin Haqqani. Maulavi Haqqani is a former anti-Soviet resistance commander known for ruthless effectiveness as a fighter. His ties to Pakistan, and his base in and around Miranshah go as far back as his exile during the Republican government of Sardar Daud in early 1970s. He was initially associated with many mujahideen leaders that formed Hizb-e-Islami. When Hizb-e-Islami fractured in the late 1970s, Haqqani followed Younis Khalis rather than Hekmatyar, and became one of the most important commanders in the Hizb-e-Islami (Khalis) or HIK.

When Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan, Haqqani was in Pakistan with the other key mujahideen leaders. Haqqani later became a field commander in Maulavi Younis Khalis’s Hizb-e-Islami. He received significant support from the CIA and from Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate, and built up a sizable and competent militia force by the mid-1980s. Haqqani is believed to be influenced by radical Islamist principles drawn from the early Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which were prevalent among many of the religiously motivated Afghan mujahideen of that time. Maulvi Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin Haqqani run a number of madrassas and training camps in North Waziristan. Due to his father’s ill health, Sirajuddin Haqqani is reported to be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the movement.

The Haqqanis hail from the Zadran tribe, who are mostly based in Paktia and Khost provinces in the east of Afghanistan. “Their support base has always been in that area with a base in North Waziristan,” reads a report of the Institute for the Study of War.

The group proved its dominance in Khost area as the battles for Khost were fought in 1985-1987 by Haqqani men isolating the Soviet forces’ garrison at Khost early in the war, taking advantage of the fact that there was only one major road linking Khost with the rest of Afghanistan — the Khost-Gardez road that runs through the Satekandav Pass. In summer 1985, Haqqani gathered several thousand fighters and assaulted the city of Khost itself, overrunning Soviet forces’ outposts and requiring a significant Soviet counter-attack to save the city.

In 1987, the Soviet leadership decided to undertake a major effort to open the Khost-Gardez road long enough to get supplies in to the town and its garrison. Operation Magistral (Mainline), as it was called, was the major Soviet military effort of that year, overseen directly by Colonel General Boris Gromov, commander of Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Gromov made numerous attempts to negotiate with Haqqani and Zadran tribal elders to secure safe passage for supplies to Khost without fighting. It is not clear whether or not Haqqani himself participated in negotiations, but Zadran tribal elders certainly did and they drew out the discussions intentionally to allow time for their forces to react. Two weeks of hard fighting allowed the Soviet forces to secure the Satekandav Pass. The arrival of Soviet reinforcements and the elimination of a key insurgent base convinced Haqqani to withdraw his forces temporarily. The Soviets re-supplied the garrison and then withdrew from the area. By 1989, all Soviet forces had withdrawn from the country.

The available information reveals that the top leadership of the group consists of Jalaluddin Haqqani, Sirajuddin Haqqani, Badaruddin Haqqani – (younger brother of Sirajuddin), Sangeen Zadran, Nasiruddin Haqqani and others.

Different studies speak different about the strength of this group as a report published in an American newspaper indicates that “they are thought to have about 4,000 to 12,000 Taliban under their command” while a 2011 report from the Combating Terrorism Centre places its strength roughly at 10,000-15,000.

The Haqqani network is considered to be the pioneer of suicide attacks in Afghanistan and tend to use mostly foreign bombers whereas the Taliban tend to rely on locals in attacks.

The following activities are being attributed to the group:

January 14, 2008: Kabul Serena Hotel attack, March 2008: Kidnapping of British journalist Sean Langan, April 27, 2008: Assassination attempts on Hamid Karzai. July 7, 2008: US intelligence blamed the network for 2008 Indian embassy bombing in Kabul. November 10, 2008: The Kidnapping of David Rohde, December 30, 2009: Camp Chapman May 18, 2010: Kabul bombing, February 19, 2011: Kabul Bank in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, June 28, 2011:

According to ISAF, elements of the Haqqani network provided “material support” in the 2011 attack on the Hotel Inter-Continental in Kabul. The Pentagon blamed the network for the September 10 attack. A massive truck bomb explodes outside combat outpost in Sayed Abad in Wardak province, killing five Afghans, including four civilians, and wounding 77 US soldiers. US Ambassador in Afghanistan Ryan Crocker blamed the Haqqani network for a September 12 attack on the US embassy and nearby NATO bases in Kabul. The attack lasted 19 hours and resulted in the deaths of four police officers and four civilians. At least 17 civilians and six NATO soldiers were injured. Three coalition soldiers were killed.

According to a July 2011 report published by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Centre, the network acts as a key facilitator of negotiations between the Pakistani government and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and as the “primary conduit” of many Pakistani Taliban fighters into Afghanistan.

According to US Special Envoy and Ambassador to Afghanistan (1989-1992) Peter Tomsen, the ISI has maintained its jihad era ties with Haqqanis.

Note: This is not my stroy --it is claassified as: Share this story.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It must be a lawyers’ paradise

Seed Newsvine


From: Space.com
Not 'UARS' to Keep: NASA Warns Against Collecting Falling Satellite's Debris
by Robert Z. Pearlman, collectSPACE.com Editor

Date: 23 September 2011 Time: 01:28 PM ET


My comment

If it is all US property, that means the US government is liable for any damage caused by its junk falling on a person, or on a house, or a car. It must be a lawyers’ paradise. If any US space junk falls on a urbanized area like LA or Chicago, it can cost NASSA some big bucks because of NASSA’s comments. The ambulance chasers will not sleep tonight.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Virginia – challenge to Federal healthcare


NY Times
Virginia – challenge to Federal healthcare


My Take

As the United States of America keeps on polarizing towards an absolute military-sate, more states as well as more individuals will challenge the tyrant. I have had times when I did not have health care insurance. Those were the times when food was scarce, and the little borrowed money was to pay delinquent taxes and utilities.

Sometimes, I was without utilities. Once I was weight months without electricity, and because my water was from a well, I did not have power from the pump, thus my water was fetched from the town’s pond. So, another federal law forcing me to have insurance, would be taking from the little food I had.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama with their abundance of money have no idea how people live in poverty. Just as bad, congress has guaranteed income and perks that put the name America to shame. So, the poor are not part of the American plan. The protective net is only for women disguised as Families with children. That is why women go long ways to get that kid as a source of income. “Guaranteed income”, a woman told me.

Some young girls have bragged that they will not have to work for 20 years. “They knew they were sitting on a gold mine.” A baby becomes an anchor to steady income. When that baby reaches age for mom to get a job by welfare rules, another baby will replace the first. The chain goes on, because, the guy believed she was on the pill, but for 24 years he will remember that it was all part of that woman’s plan.

Even if the father has joint custody, but if mom has physical custody, the mam has no public recourse. So in reality only some people get really hurt from Obamcare—men. Neither democrats nor republicans have any respect for the poor, especially for the male gender, another tyrant-law just hurts a few—just those who are disposable by our government—only men who are poor.

However, for whatever reason, The State of Virginia is on the right track, because only those who chose to give money to the capitalist system are free to do so; the rest who can’t afford, may opt out. We are talking about the right to choose. Only those of us who have been without work know how the system functions.

I count five jobs-shutdowns and numerous layoffs. So, Linda Greenhouse should make research into real life before writing as if forced-health care is correct in a country where people use to be free with their own money—the USA—we use to call it “the land of the free”.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bank of America Deserves It.

Seed Newsvine

Blomeburg Businessnews
BofA, Citigroup Credit Swaps Jump After Moody’s Cuts Debt Grades
September 21, 2011, 4:43 PM EDT
By Sapna Maheshwari and Shannon D. Harrington

My Bite

BofA, deserves the pinch.

They have no respect for the citizen who tried to cash a BofA check at their own branches; but the person did not have an account with Bank of America; only to force people to either get an account with BofA or deposit a BofA check elsewhere.

That was unAmerican. They did it to me twice. Let the arrogant and the oppressors fall, they deserve it.

Obama II, Finally Did Somehint Right

Seed Newsvine


NY Times
Obama, at U.N., Explains Rationale for Opposing Palestinian Statehood Bid

My Take

Obama II, finally did something right. The question remains: was this genuine, or was it for votes in the upcoming election? Israel might have been better off, if Obama II had been Israeli-friendly. Nevertheless, hurray to Obama II, for finally calling on both Israel and Palestine to negotiate like adults.

Let’s see how Obama II, will do when Turkey starts the next war by trying militarily to break the Hamas blockade, as Turkey has stated, it would escort the next flotilla. Then, we will see in what side Obama II is sitting.

Turkey's Glass House


Turkey's hardline stance on Israel just tip of the iceberg

From: Mail & Guardian online

My Take

Is Turkey trying to change the world? If so, will Turkey face China too? If Israel should leave occupied territories righty theirs, by biblical history, then should China have to leave Tibet also? Turkey is indirectly rubbing Chinas nose against the sand. The law of association works naturally.

Off of all nations, Turkey is the one with the biggest glass house, so why throw stones at others.

On the end, Turkey is just returning to its primitive ways, unless Mr. Erdogan is functioning on a carnivore dinosaur instinct with a dinosaur size brain.
If Turkey is truly preoccupied with human rights and ethnic groups having their own voice, then Turkey must set dialog with the Kurdish people and return Kurdistan to the Kurds. Otherwise, Turkey is simple trying to return to its Ottoman Empire grandure.

Turkey must apologize and re-compensate the Armenians, for butchering a million Armenians. If Israel must compensate for defending itself legally according to the UN, then Turkey must compensate the Armenian people for its deliberate genocide by Turkey, the Armenians’ children are still waiting.

Turkey is the very example of the opposite of what they are claiming to fight for. In reality, since Saddam is gone, Turkey no longer needs Israel, nor the European Union, nor the USA. If a war will breakout between Iran and the EU or the USA, Iran will quickly return to its primitive instincts, and join Iran in fighting against the EU or against the US.

Turkey has reached the lowest respect, for it is being nothing more than Iran’s attack-dog.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Media Bias, Again Protecting Women


California Hockey Mom Allegedly Had Sex With Son's Teammates at Sleepovers

Sept 20, 2011

My Take

Is the media locked into the bias-box of reporting while trying to protect women? The reporting and headline about the “accused” Hokey-Mom sexual adventures sure appears to be so. If the same story was about a father, having sex with his daughters’ friends’, the headline most likely would read something like: “Father Commits Statutory Rape with Daughter’s Teammates”.

However, as usual the media does all it can to paint women as innocent, if not painting women as the victims. I would not be surprised if someone will allude that the boys were the instigators and raped the “poor” Hockey-Mom. The Hummer Mom in Slat-Lake actually blamed her victim: “I didn't start it. I didn't touch anything back. It was him. ‘He started it,’ she said.” Yet the police believed the opposite.

ABC News that story--the Hummer Mom also used emotion to paint the Hummer Mom as almost the victim. ABC News in neither article uses harsh words as the media normally uses for such acts when committed by men. The summary from ABC on the Hummer Mom taking her daughter’s boy-friend, happened because the woman was tired. Those were the accused’s words.

Since when do the media publish men’s excuses of being tired that lead to statutory rape? What ABC News is implying is the feminist mantra “Poor woman”. Coincidentally, the Hockey Mom sexual story is tagged automatically on with video news of women being neglected sexually by their husbands. What a coincidence?

It appears that ABC News is really using all the cards in the deck to convince the world that men are at fault for women behaviors. A male guest in the show, a sexual behaviors “professional” sure was bashing men in full force. ABC and its guest should at least make research on family violence; the story would be written differently, and it would report on how much men are being abused by their wives and by our shameful judicial system.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Marriage is a sacred contract with a purpose


From: NY Times
Robertson Stirs Passions With Suggestion to Divorce an Alzheimer’s Patient

Published: September 16, 2011

My Take

Marriage for convenience is one of the most shameful of all acts in Christianity. When two people make a contract, each party depends on the honesty of the other—it is based on trust; Mr. Robertson’s advice on marriage should not be different.

However, now, marriage has become a burden to a man who seems to claim following Christ, but who is trying to be running away from his test. Christ did not say that to follow Him would be pleasant; rather he said: “Take you cross and follow me.” We are in this world to prove who we really are.

Robertson’s response to a man in grief was not about faith. It sounded more about being faithful when convenience is present. Now, how about the sic wife, who will care for her—a nursing home? One has to talk to nursing-home workers before such statement. Was not the agreement “ … for better or for worse, in sickness or health …? That sic spouse’s relatives should considering suing the husband, for breach of contract if that divorce materializes.

Where is the love that the sic spouse needs at this critical time? Love is not there from that Husband. The agreement is biding. But surprisingly, the advice comes from a man who has used the name of Jesus Christ as if he was a true believer. Mr. Robertson has not read Ephesians 5:25, or if he did he is neglecting it. Nor has he read Mathew 19:8-9, where Jesus states that divorce was not from the beginning --not to occur unless because adultery.

Some of the article’s comments support the healthy spouse to be able to remarry to go on with their happiness. If such happiness [selfishness] is essential to go on, does it mean discard ing the sick spouse? That means that the ultimate reason for marriage is being disregarded--unity.

Yes, it touches the case of multiple spouses, but if extended marriage was part of the agreement there is no problem. For, unfortunately open marriages are on the rise, though secretly; but at times implied, if it comes from the Hollywood crowd. However, if such agreement is made in soberness, it should be to the greatest happiness for each. Nonetheless, disposing of a sick spouse like disposing of a worn-out pencil, is being unchristian; and Christ advised for one-spouse marriage.

Now, is the time for Christians to prove on what side each person is on. Nevertheless, Jesus stated: “By their fruits you shall know them”. Robertson’s advice also raises another question: Are these tell-evangelists preaching to save souls as Christ focused on—eternal life, or are they a bunch of capitalists cashing in on convenience to please the audience, and to get more followers and thus, getting more money; and getting glory on the eyes of the world?

Any true religion follows the entire bible with focus on being Christ-like, rather than focusing on lustful material conveniences.

How Christ-like would it have been if Robertson would have advised the tormented man to pray and ask God for guidance, and ask to be able to love his wife, and be able to go on with life. That would be the ultimate test of true love, and following Christ.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


FROM Alternet
By Libby Anne
My Life as a Daughter in the Christian Patriarchy Movement

My Take

Why has the topic from patriarchy been hijacked onto vegetarianism.

However, I must join the present argument, defending vegetarianism: It is a healthier diet, it is cheaper if the individual wants to grow his/her own.
Takes seven acres to feed a carnivore person a year, while it takes one acre to feed a vegetarian, so where is the logic?

The problem is that carnivores are gluts under the primitive animal instinct that you have to eat another animal to live. The strongest animals who also live the longest are vegetarians.

All it takes is a bit of learning how to prepare healthy vegetarian food and your health will improve, if you eat a balanced diet. I have been on both sides of the fence. And anyone who wants to research will agree with me.

Now to the topic of Patriarchy.

What Libby Anne wrote appears as if it were fiction. I have visited many churches of various denominations, and all I saw was woman worshiping. Man in those churches were constantly being bashed. Therefore whatever odd church Anne, was raised in seems off the norm.

Nevertheless, anyone who reads the bible will find that patriarchy in the bible is not what is used in Anne’s church. In the bible, Abraham was told by God to listen to his wife, when Sarah was sending away her Egyption slave and her son from Abraham.

Likewise, Isaac did not do what he wanted. Rebecca his wife had a lot of saying. Jacob did not have a choice in his wives; all he wanted was Rachel, and then ended up with four wives by Leah and Rachel and their father’s doing. They even sold him to each other. He conferred with his wives before he returned to his land.
So where is the Patriarchy problem?

While the bible places man as the ad of the family, it also places man as leading by example and even dying for his wife. Such is not required of women. Is it not equality?

Perhaps, what Libby Anne needs is to read the bible and stay way from false churches. They can’t all be the truth. There are many churches that are nothing more than a business under the name of Christianity.

Ho! By the way, if you read the bible you will find that God intended for people to be eating vegetables as a primary source of food. The same gluts with animal instincts who mock vegetarians are the same that use tyranny in the name of patriarchy and in the name of Christianity. As Jesus stated in the New Testament: Be aware of wolves in sheeps’ clothes.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Israel will not be distroyed this time.

From: Haaretz.com
Sun, September 11, 2011 Elul 12, 5771

Israel is paying for Gaza war with Turkey and Egypt crises
During that fateful Hanukkah, the Israel Defense Forces attacked failing to see that war on their televisions as people saw it in Istanbul and Cairo.
By Gideon Levy

My take

Israel will be destroyed, or will it?

Anyone reading the bible will say that Israel has the tendency of being self-destructible. Yet, each time Israel was destroyed, the Israelites had so much self confidence that they kept on repeating another cycle of predicted failure.

According to the bible, Israel’s problems only came after Israel adapted sinful traditions.

Anyone reading the bible and reading the news today can see that Israel is now more sinful than its enemies—the Muslims. Contrary to all its non-Jew neighbor nations, Israel has adapted what is forbidden in the bible—homosexuality as a common practice--homosexual marriage.

From the biblical viewpoint, we see that if Israel would stay within the perimeters set by its Creator—God, Israel would prosper, if they would deviate, they would be attacked. Sometimes there were scattered and taken captive. Well, history speaks for itself as recorded in the bible. It has happened time and time again.

As prophesied, Israel would be restored, and it was so. Gog and Magog also will be fighting against Israel. On an old map I saw, Gog was placed in modern Turkey—definitely a northern country. Turkey also is now on the league with Iran, an Iran with Syria. What a coincidence?

Am I reading too much into the bible? Well, I am just noticing the coincidence that after Israel officially adapter the homosexual agenda, Israel’s friends in the area started to hate Israel—Turkey and Egypt.

This is starting to be very interesting. Turkey has stated that its navy will patrol the southern seas, and Turkey is verbally all over Israel with threats. It has ousted Israel’s ambassador, and cancelled military treats. Egypt has burned Israel’s embassy.

However, if the scripture is being fulfilled, than Gog—Turkey better not attack Israel, because they will lose, according to the bible—the bible has been very accurate.

Since both Turkey and Israel are US allies, the US will not rush in helping Israel as it has done each time the Muslims have attacked Israel.

However, the Jewish nation can defend itself. During the last war with Egypt, Israel assembled around two hundred nuclear bombs, a newspaper said. But, that was near 40 years ago. One can only suppose that the stash has grown. So, Iran is using Turkey as its attacking dog, perhaps because Iran know that the Jews can outsmart them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Feminism’s Example of Hate, Rather Than Reason.


How I Escaped the "Biblical Family Values" Nightmare That Drives Perry, Bachmann, and Tea Party Politics


How one woman got out of the Quiverfull movement where she homebirthed, homeschooled, home-churched and faithfully submitted to her husband.


Vyckie Gerrison appears to have a perpetual see-saw complex where her dreams have been to by “royal”, yet claiming to be the victim. Royalty expect servants and being above the law—her dream—as repeated on her article. Vyckie’s irony appears evident that like the feminist movemnt Vyckie is not searching for peace, nor is she searching for reason, but rather she is searching for a place to fit. That is not a leadership quality.

Vyckie’s disdain of the family since she was a youth, appears according to her own words as having stayed with her all her life. Most people grow as they age. Yet, Vyckie is trying to justify a common adolescent feeling of rebellion that led her to be a runaway rather than a participant to change the situation, and she has not stopped.

It is amazing, that all Vickies decisions are justified on her words. Appears also that instead of studying the bible, Vyckie found another place to fit and be happy. Professional religions are just that, for profit, and mostly of what they teach is to support the core rather than the people.

Appears also that Vyckie did not read the entire bible. For, if she had read and understood the bible, Vyckie would find in it that that both men and women—husbands and wives are to treat eah other equally, each with mutual respect and love for the other. As a result of following those who appeared to provide her with that place to fit, Vyckie appeared to have gotten trapped; thus she responded with her instinct of rebellion and condemning God’d work, which is hard to find, and it is abused by most religions.

Knowing that the human society will end on this planet, as soon as men and women will separate from each other, Vyckie failed to try to help the cause of humanity by first, knowing what is on the bible; and second, by trying to work with those whom she considers her oppressors--“men”. For, any wise person’s advise is to educate and negotiate, to achieve the optimum goal from any situation. For, fighting ends-up destroying both fighters; as it will happen if males and females will separate permanently.

It is honorable that Vyckie is tring to help others; yet all she is doing is destroying the family as humans. In the bottom, Vyckie is just finding another place to fit, and she is continuing as she did at 15, running away instead of participating in reasoning. The feminist movement is her heaven, for all that feminists do is bashing men; thus satisfying her hate instincts.

Vyckie’s really pain will start when Vyckie will see her male children--if she has any, being abused by their wives or girlfriends, as feminists are experts at; while the law is being run by bigots who favor women in court.

It would help Vyckei to research family violence and the statistics that come from those professionals—male and female alike. It would also help Vyckie to read the bible alone in a neutral mode, and add the points of God’s love for both men and woman. If Vyckiey will do that, she will find that the Patriarchs whom she hates, at times were told by God to give heed to their wives, and at times the wives were told to listen to their husbands.

Therefore, where is the problem about the patriarchal order, implied by Vyckie; if both husband and wife are to listen to each other, as found in the bible? Nevertheless, it is easier for Vyckie to find a place as a feminist, because in feminism, Vyckie Garrison will find satisfaction and supremacy in her dream of Royalty.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Liberty: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline...

Liberty: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline...: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2011/07/inappropriate-relationship-is-possible-motive-in-penis-severing-case/1?csp=o...

Seed Newsvine

By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY
'Inappropriate relationship' is possible motive in penis-severing case


If any similar mutilation would have been done by a husband to his wife, all the feminists and “woman-defenders” would be crying from the bottom of their lungs; but since the crime was done by a wife who showed no regrets and like normal feminists appears above the law, the author focused on the reason. Justification is normally used by criminals; thus the author appears as a crime condoner. The media in this case appears to look for a reason to justify another wife mutilating her husband.

A similar reaction appeared on a major American publisher—I don’t remember which, could research; in the case of the mom-Smith who murdered her children with her car to the pond. Case after case about vicious mothers and vicious wives are normally reported in apologetic mode. After all there is a judicial process, and the courts normally favor kindness to women over men. So, takes the law into her own hands was more pleasing—feminism at its best.

Where is the rage and the call for justice and the adjectives that would be used in this article if the crime was from the husband to wife. Heavy language is normally used for criminals when men commit similar crimes against woman? Instead, Douglas Stanglin, writes as if all is normal, or if that criminal wife could be justified.

USA TODAY’s editors are no better than the article’s author. Such tone to justify violence from women is adding fuel to the barbaric violence cycle flooding our society in the space age. Just as bad are the religious preachers who only see the negative of men’s crimes, but remain silent when women are the culprits; silence is approval.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Judges: With a 27% Raise, More Equal Than the Struggling Citizen

Commission Raises N.Y. Judges’ Pay 27% Over 3 Years

Published: August 26, 2011


My Take

Wrong Move at the Wrong Time

The NY judges pay-raise is a mockery of America, and a kick from capitalism. We are in times of shrinking prices in real estate, people are losing their jobs, salaries and benefits are being reduced, and economists see nothing but doom and gloom. These are times of belt-tightening while judges are getting a 27% pay raise; something is wrong.

These raises all get back to royal traditions and classism, where the purpose of power and influence is simply to line their pockets, with one hand washing the other.

There is no way that a judge or politician or any ruler or king or president can properly have a sound judgment of its subjects when the level of comfort or has a wide gap between ruler and ruled. Those rulers simply do not understand the needs nor the motivations for people’s acts, when those rulers don’t know the conditions where the average citizen lives.

How can a judge fairly judge an unemployed father with back child-support, or a mother who shop-lifted a loaf of bread to feed the children, when the judge has a guaranteed job with all the comforts of a secured home, and with plenty on the table? Despite all the rules, that judge will never understand the pains inside those people whom he or she condemns.

Some people say that keeping judges well paid will deter corruption. If corruption can only be deterred by the judges getting confortable salaries, than those judges area nothing but a bunch of dishonest lawyers who got to be judges by having good connections. If that is the case we need common people to be judges, for the lawyers are the ones who need to present the evidence.

Jurors don’t have any law-training to decide who is guilty or innocent. That means that judges are obsolete. Therefore, judges don’t need to be paid more than the average, citizen or juror.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why we are sinking


Halah Touryalai
Working Capital
SEC Destroys Evidence Against Banks And Hedge Funds, Whistleblower Alleges
Aug. 17 2011 - 4:27 pm

My Take

Now we can see that there are no crooks in Wall Street, and no crooks in Government; they are just family helping each-other. If the articles is correct. This is the most despicable of all acts under the Obama II Administration. But the dirt involves more than one administration.

Where are the Quality Control processes for the Government. It is no wonder why the greatest country in the world is sinking faster than the Tintanic in proportion; we have more arrogant and more corruption inbbeded in our government than the Titanic did. How can congress let a watchdog not being watched.

According to the article, the SEC is running like hiring the Hell’s Angles to police the drug cartels.

Now, the question is starting to rise: How much are the SEC chiefs getting in their underground accounts? We all know that the SEC boys and girls are Wall Street lovers, like teenagers switching just boyfriends or girlfriends, just for the heck of it.

We have had both republicans and democrats controlling congress. But congress missed that too. Is that the clue why we sinking fast? Them professional politicians are just interested in getting reelected and caring for their flocks.

This is proof that when a country is run by money, it dies by money. It is called “Not giving a damn”. A capitalist’s conscious is like a street dog in a butcher-shop.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By

My message to each and every class mate.
Each person is the captain of his or her own fate.

I just wish I could go back on time of long ago
But, I realize, it’s rational to just let go.

You my class mates who taught me and led me.
I am glad for each of you who helped me to see.

There were things that I did not know if they were fact.
Thus, my ignorance resulted at times, a foolish act.

Only decades later did I notice the culture chock
It was too late, I couldn’t turn back the clock.

In October 19, of 1969, four, I did hurt indeed.
Please accept my apologies for such foolish deed.

Two guys and two girls; the guys are gone--RIP.
One girl I don’t remember; with the other, it was a flip.

Some of you only showed me kindness, and that was cool.
But, to each mate I ask forgiveness, for I was a big fool.

A full time worker at knight, and I was a student by day.
I thought that I would never learn English that way.

Thus, to study was a big sacrifice, and impossible at times.
Studying at the high-school parking lot, as common as dimes.

The impossible came, and I did graduate, like a long dream,
Only because I choose sacrifice, even as late, as it did seem.

Thus, the military became a path of many paths to come.
Today, I teach English and I write; contrary to times gone.

I have embraced the Gospel with all my heart and soul
I love to read what was translated from each holy scroll.

So, I think, thus, I am no longer a fool, and I am not a clown.
But, at this age, how much longer until I return to the ground.

So, my dear mates, I thank you, for what I did learn from you.
May God bless your lives, with His blessings that do come true.

Decio F. F. Leonardo, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mitt Romney and the Anti-Mormon Clowns

It is appalling for a published writer such as Ross Douthat to publish a piece based on a very successful man while the writing’s tone is “Weirdness”. The tone seems very weird in itself. Weird people are normally off the mainstream of society; but, Mitt Romney appears to be a model that most people would like to emulate.

He is a Harvard graduate, he has built a successful business and he has a successful family. Such qualities are the model success dream envied by most people. These accomplishments are in parallel with a logical thinking process. So, the controversy on the article makes itself “weird”, or perhaps the writer being the “weird one”.

So, let’s play by Douthat’s tone about Romney’s, religion, which seems to be where the writer wanted to focus on without needing to know about what the LDS Church is about. Without the need to read the Book of Mormon or knowing about the LDS Church, we all know in general that the LDS church focus on self-discipline—a desirable quality, it focus on kindness--another desirable quality, it focus on self-reliance—another desirable quality, it focus on being industrious—another desirable-quality, and it focus on the future—eternal salvation.

If Douthat considers these qualities “weird”, than the writer should set an appointment with a good psychologist, and take the advice that would come.
Seems, whoever, that like most anxiety writers, Mr. Douthat was trying to attack LDS Church; but, by either lack of knowledge or without the desire to research, he chose Mitt Romney as the scape goat.

Perhaps Mr. Douthat should research religion in general; yes, from the over 5,000 religions today, he could focus on the predominant American faiths and check it out. To do that would take time, but if Douthat would do the research, his writing would have an intelligent sound.

He would find that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, contrary to popular religions, it is merely following the entire bible, while religions-for-profit focus on self-justification. Mormons preach for the love of God, rather than self-gain.

Such qualities from the LDS church is precisely what America needs at this time of disarray.

Mtt Romney would bring integrity to the White House—something on high demand now. So, if Mitt would bring his ‘Mormon’ values to our government, could that hurt the US in any way? On the contrary, being industrious, self-reliant, and being successful with integrity, with kindness and sharing is precisely what we need in our leaders.

Though, I don’t support Mitt Romney, Romney, thus far Mitt appears to
be the best candidate we have to bring confident to our government and to lead the country into prosperity with integrity.

So, Keeping still with Douthat’s tone, where is the “weirdness”? If anyone knows Mr. Ross Douthat, personally, please give him hand; try to persuade him into a good psychologist. That way, his next article will be toned on fact and integrity.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Liberty: Who is Warmingup the Earth?

Liberty: Who is Warmingup the Earth?: "http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903341404576482163192427524.html Will Volcanoes Cool Our Warming Earth? by John S. Dykes ..."

Seed Newsvine

Who is Warmingup the Earth?


Will Volcanoes Cool Our Warming Earth?

John S. Dykes

My Take

Should we outlaw research and articles like John S. Dykes’? This article, as well as archeology, are showing the path of nature, thus exposing biased research. Many jobs are at stake here. Many grants and easy taxpayer money is disturbed by information on reality.

All archeologists who show that the Sahara desert was a fertile land about 6,000 years ago with crocodiles, should be arrested. Also, anyone who finds dinosaurs in places that are now desert, should be incarcerated for life. And news showing anything other than temperature increases, should barred. Info about elephant bones in the American southwest should be destroyed. I have even read in the news about old vegetation in what has been for centuries icecaps.

Please, info like that will destroy the carbon-foot-print business. Will the liberal academia be dishonored if info like this keeps on circulating? absolutely. But, who are we, to argue with people who have doctorate degrees and have their bodies making laws?

Those who live mostly off the ignorance of society, will present a thesis to prove that their credentials are worth the paper it is printed on. The politicians will go along with the loudest drum beat, and life goes on. At the bottom of the social rang, Joe D. Taxpayer will pay for everything, one way or the other.

He has wide shoulders and smiles when he is told that all is well and he is a hero who works hard. Meanwhile, the sophisticated upper class will disdain even being near Joe D. Taxpayer. Oh, I forgot to say that people are warming up the earth. Just ask All Gore, he wrote plenty about it when he was on the comfort of his heated swimming pool; and then, he got a Nobel-Peace prize for it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Liberty: Actress and comedian -- a joke? for President?

Liberty: Actress and comedian -- a joke? for President?: "http://www.thirdage.com/news/roseanne-barr-announces-presidential-run_08-05-2011 Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr is joining the race fo..."

Seed Newsvine

Actress and comedian -- a joke? for President?


Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr is joining the race for the White House in 2012

The more the merrier, we need all kinds. Playing? after all, if Obama II could, anyone can. I guy with practically no experience in politics becomes president. A secretary of state who never had any active experience, is playing the big girl’s role. And, they are doing just as good as Bush did. So, why not another know-nothing, for president. The closer they are to professional politics the worse they are.

On the other hand, will she be just a distraction to help Obama II. This could be very interesting. Not running in the primaries? thus, not hurting the birthday guy. Sometimes there are games played only for appearance, but with a planned affect. Could this actor just be playing the actor in politics as a favor to her movement?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Liberty: The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

Liberty: The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box: "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-faith/post/the-mormon-church-and-the-medias-cult-box/2011/07/19/gIQAZgj9NI_blog.html?fb_ref=NetworkNe..."

Seed Newsvine

The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

The Mormon church and the media’s ‘cult’ box

My Take

It is amazed, when society evolves and people get more educated and thus more reasonable, there are still some who either by bigotry or by ignorance are still falsely labeling the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-- LDS (Mormon) Church as a cult. That is precisely what the Pharisees did when Jesus exposed the truth, without self-gain.

Such accusers could appear more educated if they would only research the LDS church. Such finger pointers, would find that the LDS Church follows the bible entirely- both old and new testaments. On the contrary, professional religionists preach for profit. There is where they get into false accusations, there is a conflict of interest.

Normally, those who say that the LDS Church is cult, have not researched the LDS church. Such people normally quote other people. Also, the anti-LDS groups, need to oppose the LDS church to maintain their daily bread. For, the LDS preaching is done for the love of following Jesus’s Counsel and helping others to study and return to God, if they choose. On the opposite side, those who normally oppose the LDS church, are full of hate. They have nothing good to say.

At the same time while the LDS church remains a victim of hate since near two centuries ago, when Joseph Smith first told people that he had seen a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The LDS Church helps even other faiths in times of need. They did so by helping others faiths rebuilding their houses of worship after WWII. When there are catastrophes The LDS church helps even non Christians.

The DLS church focus only on the good in others, such qualities are Christ-like. The answer remains on what Jesus said: “By their fruits who shall know them.” Unfortunately, the media many times focus on output rather than quality. That is why the media is still in the “box”.

It is Choice


The Lord Invites ALL to Come Unto Him (Haight)


My take

That puts the ball on your court. It is your move. But, there is a humbling word that is the key to be able to return to Him. It is called "repentance"; each of us needs to consider repenting. Than, the big question arises, repenting about what? Well, we can check the Lords, desires, and His commandments, to be able to know what to repent from. Thus, it comes to square one. Study the scriptures, change as you learn, and you will find yourself on the way to returning to God, through Jesus Christ. For, Jesus said: "No one comes to the Father but through me." It takes courage to return to God, but each one of us can do it, it is called change.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Liberty: Women's Infidelity

Liberty: Women's Infidelity: "http://womensinfidelity.com/ Research and the Book Michelle Langley --------------------------------------- My Take Research shows bi..."

Seed Newsvine

Women's Infidelity

Research and the Book
Michelle Langley

My Take

Research shows bias in Women-defenders.

We men have been and still are being discriminated by everyone from religious leaders to politicians; and, worse by the courts of divorce. Professional preachers, especially tell-evangelists, and the media, have been the enemies of the male gender, in top of what we suffer at home. Now, research by a women, brings more light to the nature of women.

Will the bigots repent? I doubt it. That is how they keep themselves from sleeping in the doghouse. By blaming other men for domestic violence, they show their oppressive wives that they are OK; such men have joined the feminist movement in male-bashing.

Bigots have always known the truth; but they did not have much evidence thrown at
them. Thus, biased people kept their crusade. If any man brought up evidence to show that women are culprits of domestic disharmony just like men and sometimes worse, those men who brought evidence, were chided and belittled even by other man; especially those in leadership positions, who benefit from numbers in population.

I had to prove my take on a journalism class in the University of Massachusetts in 1993. After being told that I “was going against the grain”. My bibliography was not enough. I was invited to bring in the research books and professional magazines. I did not see such requirements from other students’ research. I was the only-one who had to bring in the evidence—I am a man; and I was writing about equality on domestic violence.

In that research, I found that married, men have a greater chance of getting killed by their own wives, by 10%; I was threatened my “Ex-wife” while married. Also, I found that women start most of the violence at home. That complimented my own marriage that was in the midst of a divorce. The violent spouse got custody of the children, even after the judge knew that mom (My “EX”), had bitten our four year old daughter in the face.

The book in reference that lead me to write this piece, appears to be obscure to me. I did not yet read the book. I did not see any news about the topic; but the info in the add-info gives enough to know what is in the book. Granted, I sometimes go a few days without checking the news on the WEB; but, I normally surf the news.

However, I have about half dozed of main media publishers, sending me daily headlines. So, this info does not qualify for headlines. Well, it appears to be because the book exposes “women as being like or worse than men”. The major media appears to have disregarded the great book – it exposes feminism’s distortion. I bumped into the book Women's Infidelity by Michelle Langley, in a Google’s ad.

Sunday, July 31, 2011



If You Desire to Know the Truth (Hinckley)
Posted July 30, 2011

My Take
It is All Based on Deciding

Though, the message by Hinckley may appear as a dream or as a wish, it is not. I can testify to the simplicity of it. I mean simplicity. Having the desire to know the truth about what makes life being what it is. Also, having the desire to understand that from the material perspective it is impossible to learn about spirit. Such understanding is the key to understanding the spiritual answer that lies within each of us; but, can be reached only by following the simplicity of life like the prophets of old—focused on God.

My own experience sums to a few things mentioned by Hinckley. First, having the desire to know more. Second, being sincere about the intentions for searching. Third, being sincere to allow room for change as the evidence is discovered. Forth, being firm on the knowledge received. And, fifth, as it was said before by Hinckley, paraphrasing “The decision is only made once.” In other words, once a person decides on what the evidence a person gets from God, that stays firm.

All clues are in the bible. Evidence can be: On what made the prophets of old have access to God’s information. If we use the prophets of old as a measuring rod, then, we need to understand how those prophets lived.

Being ready to leave the material desires behind, is next on the line. Jesus Himself, had the same needs as we have. According to the Gospel he was a man like each of us—as I see it. But Jesus’ priorities were on doing the will of Him who sent Him—The Father. If we too try to do the will of God, we too can be like He was and is. Jesus said so.

There is not secret about it, there is only the desire. Once we have a sincere desire to be better that what we are, we automatically are able to see greater spiritual things. The path of growth continues until we allow ourselves to get entangled with negativity such as hate, lack of understand to forgive, and greed, and arrogance, and physical distractions such as lust. The change is called repentance—condemning the act, while knowing that Jesus already paid for it; and strive to avoid doing it again.

To be more specific, the rules is easy: Would I do it if I was in the presence of God?
Did the prophets or Jesus ever do this? Is it in the commandments? Or, like Jesus said in His greatest decision, “Not my will, Father, by thy will be done.” When we deny ourselves, we are ready to receive greater knowledge. And when we get it, we will also learn that greater knowledge is at hand. As Jesus said, “All that my Father has is theirs”.

I am not a prophet, nor claim to be. Rather, I am a sinner who has tried to learn; and I have made many changes on my life at great sacrifices in order to learn more about God. Such changes came as I learned about what a few things are in the bible, by studying it. Though I am a poor man, I feel peace within me, even in the face of worldly conditions as we all have to face. It is part our learning process, deciding based on what we have learned.